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3 Reasons NIVAC Is So Popular—and Why Now Is the Time to Get It

There’s a contemporary commentary series on wish lists galore—the NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC). 

Why is the NIV Application Commentary series so popular? Three particular reasons come to mind: 

  1. NIVAC helps readers bring Scripture’s ancient message into our context. 
  2. NIVAC explains what the Bible meant and how it speaks so powerfully to us today. 
  3. NIVAC covers the elements of traditional exegesis with a contemporary focus.

Nab yours now.

Beloved pastors and trusted theologians endorse NIVAC

Eugene Peterson says this series “gets right down to business, bringing this ancient and powerful Word of God into the present so that it can be heard and delivered with all the freshness of a new day, with all the immediacy of a friend’s embrace.”

The NIV Application Commentary is used and endorsed by a diverse yet trusted group of evangelical leaders, including J. I. Packer, Charles Stanley, Rick Warren, and the late Billy Graham. The exegetical, literary, and grammatical summaries benefit anyone who wants to better understand God’s Word.

Dig deeper in NIVAC with Logos

With Logos, Scripture passages link to the Hebrew and Greek texts and English translations in your digital library. And since Logos’ powerful search tools expose relevant information, you can explore topics and passages more deeply in less time—so you can put that time into your sermon, paper, or Bible research.

Understand how Scripture’s ancient message applies to our context with the 42-volume NIV Application Commentary. Individual volumes from NIVAC consistently rank highly on, so you know you’re getting great ministry resources when you add this collection to your library.

In fact, J. I. Packer says, “The NIV Application Commentary series promises to be of very great service to all who preach and teach the Word of God.”

Add NIVAC to your Logos library now.

The Future of Bible Study Is Here. Plans start at $9.99/month. Get started now.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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