The name Reformed Baptist raises numbers of eyebrows. Some Christians believe the moniker is a contradiction in terms. Others think it simply refers to Baptists who are Calvinists. Nevertheless, despite the understandable confusion, Reformed...
This article was originally a series of articles. It has been combined into one long article. You can easily navigate the different parts of this article using the table of contents below. Table of contentsPart 1: Spurgeon, the Young RecruitPart 2:...
Stop preaching sermons on the OT that wouldn't pass muster in a Sunday School class. Preach with authority, preach with the best, preach with the men whose sermons lit the church on fire with illustrations that are still relevant today.
With collected works in Logos, you bring renowned Christian theologians right into your studies. It’s like having them next to you to say, “Psst, if you don’t mind, I have a thought on that.” For example, let’s say you’re preparing a sermon on...
Coming Back Together: Effectual Calling and Regeneration as Twin Realities (Part 2) As I discussed in Part 1, Reformed theologians such as Hodge and Berkhof articulated their doctrine of regeneration to guard the larger doctrine of salvation from...
Popularity is yet more dangerous: the few, who escape its influence unhurt, have been exercised in painful conflicts, such as have shown their deliverance from this fiery trial to have been nearly miraculous. It is not easy to overcome our natural...
Friday, June 19 was Charles Spurgeon’s 181st birthday. In celebration, there are three exciting ways we’re helping you benefit from the vast wisdom of “The Prince of Preachers.” To celebrate, pick up the 10-volume Spurgeon Commentary Collection: New...
If you’re a frequent user of commentaries, you know that putting together a library of the finest sets and individual volumes is vital to making the most out of your Bible study. The Reformed Commentary Bundle offers a unique opportunity to study...
Charles Spurgeon was one of the most influential and prolific preachers of the modern era. Last year, Lexham Press released the first volume of the Spurgeon Commentary Collection, Galatians. Since then, we’ve been working hard to complete the...
When the Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians was first announced, it received a positive response and quickly went into development. Now you can use it to study any passage in Galatians. For example, let’s say you want to study Paul’s words about the...
A friend asked me recently about what I was doing at work, and I told him a bit about compiling the Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians. He was incredulous. He asked, “You get to read Spurgeon all day?” I don’t actually get to read Spurgeon all day, but...
Charles Spurgeon’s impact was enormous. You’ll come across his name in Bible study guides, seminary-required curricula, and many of your resources in Logos. “With whom among men can you compare [Spurgeon]? He combined the preaching power...
The words of Charles Spurgeon, the great nineteenth-century Baptist preacher, fill more than 100 volumes. He preached and wrote a phenomenal amount about the Bible, but only wrote commentaries on Psalms and Matthew. His content spans across all...
In slightly less than 58 years, Charles Spurgeon, the British Baptist preacher, wrote and preached the hundreds of sermons that made him one of the most influential preachers ever. Mark Driscoll called Spurgeon, one of today’s most quoted preachers...
One of the most influential of all British Baptists wrote the following lines: The old truth that Calvin preached, that Augustine preached, that Paul preached, is the truth that I must preach today, or else be false to my conscience and my God. I...