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The Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians Is Now Available!


When the Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians was first announced, it received a positive response and quickly went into development. Now you can use it to study any passage in Galatians.

For example, let’s say you want to study Paul’s words about the curse of the law in Gal. 3:10–14. Just open the Passage Guide and type in the reference. The Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians shows up among your commentaries:

If you click that link, you’re taken right to Spurgeon’s words on Galatians 3:10. In the middle of his exposition, Spurgeon provides an illustration on the futility of trusting in one’s own ability to keep the law. Illustrations are set off by a gray background:


If you’re interested in Spurgeon’s thoughts on how to apply this passage (part of the larger section of Gal. 3:1–14), you can skip down to the end of the section to find the first of three applications:


Finally, if you have some of Spurgeon’s other works in your library and want to read more from the sources mentioned in the Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians, you can find them by looking beneath the application section:


The Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians isn’t the only way to see Spurgeon’s thoughts presented in commentary format. Get Spurgeon’s insights into Hebrews, Philippians, 1 & 2 Peter, and five more books in the Spurgeon Commentary Collection: New Testament Letters.

Written by
Elliot Ritzema

Elliot Ritzema is an editor at Lexham Press and a master of sacred theology student at Nashotah House Theological Seminary. He is the editor of Lexham's Spurgeon Commentary series. He has a master's of divinity degree from Regent College in Vancouver, BC, and an undergraduate degree in journalism from the University of Richmond. See Elliot's 11 favorite books featured in our On the Shelf series.

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"I use Logos for sermon prep, writing projects, and personal study. With the library I’ve curated over the years, I find search results are much more useful and reliable than searching the Internet." —Elliot Ritzema

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TLSRMGLB UREBMRT baaafc  x Written by Elliot Ritzema