People have been asking, “Which Bible commentary is best?” for as long as anyone can remember. Learn what an exegetical commentary is—and seven exceptional selections.
Logos 10 is here, and I couldn’t be more proud and excited to talk to you all about the new libraries! Our team has been hard at work over the past several months curating what I believe to be the best-ever versions of our Logos libraries to...
Who wrote Hebrews? The short answer: only God knows. Thomas R. Schreiner reviews whose names have been put forward—and why the author of Hebrews probably isn’t Paul.
"Every theology is contextual." - Federico Villanueva
Christianity Today calls it “a roaring success.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society says, “It is the kind of commentary that should be in all church libraries as well as in homes of persons who care to understand the Bible beyond...
"To spend such an extended time immersed so deeply in a text of Scripture was a wonderful experience, and a number of my writing weeks offered me a profound sense of being in the presence of God."
The Pastoral Epistles have long been regarded as wise instruction for the benefit of the church. But in the last two centuries these texts have often been sidelined in the academy due to suspicions of pseudepigraphal (false) authorship and seemingly...
This short Pauline epistle has long fascinated scholars, especially the so-called “Christ Hymn” (2:6-11), offering the possibility that Paul embedded here a piece of liturgy or tradition from earliest Christianity (or Paul proves himself here a poet...
Ephesians is widely considered one of the most beautifully composed texts of the New Testament. And yet, because some scholars argue that Paul did not write the letter, it is often left out of academic conversations about Paul, his ministry, and his...
One scholar has referred to 2 Corinthians as the “sleeping giant” of Paul’s letters—often under-appreciated but packing explosive theological power.
Scholars have long been fascinated by the window that 1 Corinthians provides into life of the early Christians. In this letter we also have creedal information, gender relationship teachings, and—what’s up with “baptism for the dead” (15:29)...
Nijay K. Gupta, professor of New Testament at Northerm Seminary (PhD, University of Durham), contributed a series on biblical commentaries on the Pauline epistles. Dr. Gupta has written three commentaries (Colossians, 1–2 Thessalonians, Lord’s...
The 2019 Christianity Today Book Awards were announced recently, and Logos is happy to announce that a number of these books are available for your Logos library and on Faithlife Ebooks. Check out the links below to get a hold of these award-winning...
Here’s some exciting news for Lexham Press: the Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Gospels has topped the list for Christianity Today’s 2019 Book Awards in the Biblical Studies category. The LGCG has also been strongly...
Thomas Schreiner’s BECNT commentary on Romans has just undergone a major revision from the first edition, released 20 years ago. The second edition is a whopping 944 pages of thorough exegetical work, updated with the latest scholarship on...
One of the most distinguished commentary series of the modern era is the International Critical Commentary, or ICC. The ICC has been around for over 130 years, but the history of the series is a bit hard to trace.
Logos 7 Academic Basic is available now for immediate download. Get original language tools and a library of resources custom-built for scholars and academics—completely free. Perhaps you’ve been wanting to try serious Bible software, but haven’t...
I am an inveterate reader, and since I was five years old that has included fantasy and science-fiction. The idea of mixing science with fantasy, of letting my imagination fly in terms of the universe God created and what may be included in it, has...
I love books. Stop by my house and you’ll see bookcase after bookcase filled with volumes. And maybe you’re like me: a dedicated bibliophile. But today, I’d like to share three things that changed the way I read books forever, from...
“For many within the biblical field, the publication of yet another commentary seems about the last thing needed,” says Brevard Childs in the preface to his commentary on Isaiah. The author of Ecclesiastes would probably agree: “For the writing of...
What do you do when you come across a difficult Bible passage? Chances are, you open a trusted commentary and see what it has to say. Sometimes, the first commentary you check has the answer you’re looking for. But more often than not, you want to...
Recently, we spoke with Dr. Cynthia Briggs Kittredge about the Fortress Commentary on the Bible, an exciting two-volume commentary that’s now available on Pre-Pub. Here’s what she had to say about this resource: Why a two-volume...
When the Spurgeon Commentary: Galatians was first announced, it received a positive response and quickly went into development. Now you can use it to study any passage in Galatians. For example, let’s say you want to study Paul’s words about the...
The words of Charles Spurgeon, the great nineteenth-century Baptist preacher, fill more than 100 volumes. He preached and wrote a phenomenal amount about the Bible, but only wrote commentaries on Psalms and Matthew. His content spans across all...
In both the classroom and the pulpit, Frederick Fyvie Bruce stands out as perhaps the most recognized voice among mid- and late-twentieth-century evangelical scholars. Born in Elgin, Scotland, on October 12, 1910, F. F. Bruce—as he is more commonly...
Ever needed a point of entry into a difficult Bible passage, whether for a sermon, a Bible study group, or your own understanding? The Westminster Bible Companion series has you covered. It’s researched and written with such clarity and precision...
These are exciting times for Bible students, especially those who have studied the Epistle to the Hebrews. Logos is creating the first English translation of Ceslas Spicq’s two-volume commentary on Hebrews. Originally published in French as L'...
Since the dawn of the Enlightenment, biblical scholarship has grown increasingly skeptical and specialized. Books of the Bible are studied in isolation from the rest of the canon, and scholars are experts in Matthew, Isaiah, or Genesis, rather than...
If you’re interested in the preaching and exegesis of the Fathers of the Church, there are three important collections available for pre-order that you should know about. The Works of St. Cyril of Alexandria makes an excellent complement to the...
If you are looking for trustworthy scholarship pertaining to the Old Testament wisdom literature, you can't go wrong with the six-volume Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms. The poetic and distinctly Hebraic nature of the Old...