If you are looking for trustworthy scholarship pertaining to the Old Testament wisdom literature, you can’t go wrong with the six-volume Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms.
The poetic and distinctly Hebraic nature of the Old Testament wisdom literature can be a challenge to interpreters. With the Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms, you get access to years of research by respected scholars like John Goldingay and Tremper Longman.
The Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms includes:
Psalms, vols. 1, 2, and 3
In these three volumes, you get  literary, historical, theological, and grammatical insight into the Psalms. Not only will John Goldingay help you plumb the depths of the Psalms within their historical context, you will also learn to draw on the Psalms for their contemporary relevance.
“Once again, John Goldingay has given us exemplary scholarship that will serve both church and academy very well indeed. The commentary is filled with mature theological insights, fresh ideas, and thoughtful reflections for contemporary appropriation. The clear and imaginative introduction alone is worth the price of the book.”
—Terence E. Fretheim, Elva B. Lovell Professor of Old Testament, Luther Seminary
It doesn’t matter if you are well-versed in Proverbs or are reading it for the first time, Tremper Longman brings fresh insight and meaning to this profound book.
“A very thorough and thought-provoking commentary from an experienced scholar in the field. The scholarly and church audiences are both clearly addressed here in a very readable writing style.”
—Katharine Dell, Review of Biblical Literature
Ecclesiastes presents interpretive challenges to the most seasoned scholars. Craig G. Bartholomew, professor of philosophy, religion, and theology at Redeemer University College in Ancaster, Ontario, walks you through Ecclesiastes, maintaining a balance between readability and depth.
“It is a rare commentary that is both readable and learned. Even rarer is one that immerses readers in the deep questions of life. Bartholomew’s new book helps us to think our way through Ecclesiastes and its mazes. More than that, it confronts us anew with the mystery and responsibility of human existence before the face of God.”
—Raymond C. Van Leeuwen, Professor of Biblical Studies, Eastern University
Song of Songs
Richard Hess, professor of Old Testament at Denver Seminary, tackles this challenging Old Testament book paragraph by paragraph. With deftness and clarity, Hess makes one of the most demanding books accessible to even the newest exegete.
“An accomplished, celebrative volume. . . . [Hess] provides helpful and extensive analysis of a passage’s poetic structure. . . . Hess’ enthusiastic presentation and obvious labors furnish an undeniable contribution.”
—Jennifer Pfenniger, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
Get Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms today.