On the road to Emmaus, Jesus says: “O foolish and slow in heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ suffer these things and enter into his glory?” (Luke 24:25–26 LEB). But what prophecy is Jesus...
Context is king, as they say. But when it comes to studying the Bible, context is far and wide. A verse is contextualized in a passage; a passage in a biblical book; a biblical book in a particular place and time; and each time and place is...
When you see the Bible in its ancient context, it comes to life as a body of literature that shaped God’s people. These are the people who were known first as the sons of Jacob, the people of Israel, and later as the Jewish people, and from them...
Nutritionists everywhere tell us that a well-balanced diet fuels our bodies, yet many of us continue to ignore their advice. The same is true for our Bible study habits. We know that nourishment for our souls lies in the pages of the Bible, but we...
“How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart, you begin to understand, there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep.” When Frodo Baggins says these...
“For many within the biblical field, the publication of yet another commentary seems about the last thing needed,” says Brevard Childs in the preface to his commentary on Isaiah. The author of Ecclesiastes would probably agree: “For the writing of...
If you research the Bible, prepare small group lessons, or preach, it would take you at least 1,360 hours of preparation to work through 1 Corinthians and supporting literature. That’s the equivalent of 170 workdays. How do I know this? Because we...
Logos Bible Software just moved all of its original content under the imprint of Lexham Press. Lexham Press provides biblical content to advance scholarship and equip the church. We create digital-first Bible study resources, scholarly works, and...
Jacob: Discerning God’s Presence is part of the Studies in Faithful Living Series, which we designed for the digital age to (1) make the jobs of small group leaders and pastors easier and (2) offer an even more enlightening curriculum to every...
What influences your interpretation of Scripture? What is the origin of the particular interpretation you hold? Are you familiar with alternative interpretations? How would you defend your interpretation against others? Although apologists are...
My first college class on Paul’s letters overwhelmed me so much that I chose Paul’s shortest letter for my final paper. I knew that if I focused on anything longer than Philemon, I might miss something—there’s just too much published research...
There are translation differences, and there are source text differences. You know a source text difference when you see the notation “MT says” or “LXX says” in your Bible. These are the real differences in manuscripts. And unless you know what...
Nearly every theme in the Bible has a parallel in the book of Genesis—sin, guilt, pride, family, law, worship, God’s promises, and God’s will. Genesis portrays what it means to be human and how God wants us to live as his image-bearers. It...
What if research could move you? What if it could change your everyday life—could actually make a difference in the way you think, act, speak? These questions drove us to create the Lexham Bible Guides. For too long, biblical research has been a...
It’s 6:10 p.m. I have 20 minutes to finish my weekly sermon for a service that begins at 7 p.m. My sermon includes a bit about ancient culture, a few major points I want people to remember, and some questions I hope the congregation will ponder. But...
As long as you’re not a robot, you want a better you. Goals and resolutions are about the need to improve. The New Year brings on these thoughts so strongly because it reminds us of everything that didn’t happen in the last 12 months. By nature...
Explore the Lexham Methods Series—the resource created to be your platform for personal study and sharing. By leveraging technology, your digital library, elegantly designed slides, and the work of a professional research team, Lexham Methods...
The Lexham English Bible is a translation dedicated to transparency, which makes it both an ideal second Bible and a go-to translation for comparing the original languages. To achieve this transparency, a team of top scholars was assembled and given...
“Lexham Bible Dictionary is an unbound product—it has no back cover.” This statement drove all discussion and decisions about creating this resource.Could an enormous pool of content and information—not just the articles but the articles’ status and...
I didn’t expect for my perspective to change, but it did. All this time, Mary has been a distant figure to me—someone only sung and spoken about. Working on Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan was transformational. When we set out to create a life...
At some point in life, we all struggle with faith. God makes a promise, but the direction that promise takes us is uncertain. And when the path toward the promise doesn’t meet our expectations, we become frustrated and confused. In the process, we...
The Lexham Bible Guides resolve your love-hate relationship with research. They summarize your books’ content and organize it in an easy-to-follow format, giving you the direction to begin your study. These guides help you do better Bible research...
No one enjoys sitting through a dull Sunday school lesson, making time for a distracted small-group study, or listening to a dry, complicated sermon. We’re looking for intrigue and excitement—we want God’s Word clearly and fully articulated, so that...
Because no one person could possibly explore the full depth of a passage of God’s Word, we here at Logos often encourage people to purchase and read multiple commentaries on a book they’re studying. Each commentary series offered for Logos’ library...
God’s Word has the power to do more in someone’s life than we could ever hope to do on our own. For that reason—before Bible Study Magazine was announced about three years ago—the decision was made that it would be all about the Word. Using the...