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4 Reasons the Westminster Bible Companion Is for Everyone

Ever needed a point of entry into a difficult Bible passage, whether for a sermon, a Bible study group, or your own understanding? The Westminster Bible Companion series has you covered. It’s researched and written with such clarity and precision that anyone could benefit from using it.

In this in-depth, approachable series, such renowned scholars as Walter BrueggemannJ. Gerald Janzen, and Eugene H. Peterson inform your study of God’s Word. Pre-order this balanced commentary and discover why it reaches to the masses.

1. It’s a commentary for your congregation.

Written with the everyday churchgoer in mind, these volumes offer applicable exegesis and valuable insight that speak to everyone.

2. It’s a commentary for your students.

These commentaries have been used by students for graduate-level exegesis and beyond. The classroom conversation never runs dry when the Westminster Bible Companion series is present, and it provides these very same study benefits for Bible study groups.

3. It’s a commentary for you.

For years, the Westminster Bible Companion Series aided pastors in sermon preparation, helped professors in research, and gave Bible study leaders points of entry for talking about difficult texts. Containing verse-by-verse commentary on the Bible’s entire text, this is easily one of the most accessible, complete commentaries you can find.

4. It’s hard to beat Pre-Pub prices.

See for yourself why this series is loved so dearly by student, pastor, and layperson alike. This “everyone” commentary is truly priced for everyone, to boot! Westminster’s preorder price is $249.95—if you were to order Westminster as hardcover copies, it would cost you over $800. This is easily one of our most affordable yet complete commentaries.

Head over to the Westminster Bible Companion Series page and read some of its sample pages. If you like what you see, grab it while it’s still on Pre-Pub. Once these books ship, the price will go up to our regular figure—$399.95.

Written by
Brandon Rappuhn
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Written by Brandon Rappuhn