Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Faithlife! Enjoy this excerpt from the Lexham Bible Dictionary (included free in Logos) about the role of thanksgiving in the early church. *** Thanksgiving played an important role in the life of the early...
“In everything give thanks.” The importance of thankfulness is impossible to miss in that well-known verse. Other aspects of 1 Thessalonians 5:16 and the following two verses, however, are easier to overlook. Keep reading to find out how “in...
What makes a great marriage? If you asked several strong couples, you’d probably get several different answers. But if you examined their marriages, you’d find they have elements in common. These three elements of a great marriage are adapted from...
You know about Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli. You may even know about Thomas Cranmer and John Knox. . . . But what do you know about the forerunners of the Protestant Reformation? Learn how one pre-Reformer set the stage for Martin...
If you’ve been blessed enough to go to Bible school or have taken seminary courses, you know the joy of prolonged seasons of structured theological learning. And you probably miss them now that they’re over. If you had the time, you’d love to sit in...
The Mishnah is a third-century Jewish collection that expands upon the legal material and language of the Old Testament and is considered to be “oral Torah.” Mishnah (the Hebrew term מִשְׁנָה means “study by repetition”) is the foundation of all...
By E. Tod Twist If you’ve ever pondered the meaning of life in “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) or even in “Christ who is your life” (Col. 3:4), this excerpt from Bible Word Studies: A How-to Guide will show you how to dig a...
In this excerpt adapted from the course Biblical Principles for Diversity and Reconciliation in Ministry, Dr. Walter R. Strickland II explores diversity in the Bible and why we should pursue racial reconciliation. *** Why do we pursue God’s plan for...
This post is adapted from Peter Leithart's Mobile Ed course on typological hermeneutics.
“And there was no room for them at the inn.” It’s difficult to read that without thinking of the countless Christmas plays featuring a brave, costumed young soul stepping onto the platform to play the role of innkeeper. Similarly brave, costumed...
Dr. Rebekah Josberger dives into the Sabbath, explaining why it matters and how her family honors it today (0:10), and the Logos Pros show you how to search everything in your Logos library at once (8:25). Learn more about the Sabbath Are Christians...
Dr. Nicholas Perrin provides an overview to the Gospel of Thomas (0:10), and Faithlife’s animation team provides a stunning animation of Colossians 1:15–16 (4:00). Explore the Gospel of Thomas with Dr. Perrin Thomas: The Other Gospel tells the...
The One-Minute Apologist Bobby Conway talks about loving non-believers with our minds (0:10), and Dr. Steve Runge shares a lesson from the Faithlife Language Lab (3:22).
A subscriber to mpseminars.com submitted this question to us: I have purchased numerous Mobile Ed courses. How can I see the various subjects covered in the videos? First, congratulations and thank you to the Logos user for acquiring numerous...
Watch an inspiring visual animation of Proverbs 31 created by the Faithlife design team (0:10), and hear Elyse Fitzpatrick share insights from Ephesians 5:1 (4:05). Watch more Bible animations Did you enjoy the Proverbs 31 video? See more Bible...
Dr. Craig Evans explains the difference in how the original audiences of Scripture read the texts (:10), and Dr. Mike Heiser talks about the significance of reading ancient texts that the biblical authors read as well. Study the world of Jesus and...
Dr. John Schwandt shares about the nature and benefits of his interactive Greek alphabet course (0:10), and then, a tip on how to show Scripture onscreen in the middle of a church service (3:35). Study Greek with Dr. John Schwandt For serious...
Dr. John Scwhandt discusses the benefits of studying Greek (0:10), and a Logos Pro Tip about studying the Dead Sea Scrolls (4:00). Study Greek with Dr. John Schwandt For serious theological study, you need to be able to recognize the original words...
Bryan Chapell teaches on expository preaching (0:10), and Scott Lindsey sits down with Gary Barnes to discuss pastoral counseling (4:20). Learn how to ‘say what the text says’ Bryan Chapell says expository preaching is all about...
Sometimes ministry burnout crashes into a life like a meteor, impossible to ignore. Other times, it creeps up day by day until we think the exhaustion and imbalance are normal. Find out whether you have burnout—and what you can start doing today to...
Even in the midst of the coronavirus and social distancing, we can use this time to move forward in faith and help others do the same. Here’s how you can do it for free: 1. Get a Faithlife Connect subscription—absolutely free for 14 days, no...
Old Testament scholar Tremper Longman not only teaches the book of Proverbs—but also how to preach the book of Proverbs. The following excerpt adapted from Longman’s Mobile Education course Preaching Proverbs appears in segment 24: “Proverbs...
There’s nothing quite as awful as bad exposition, which makes good exposition really shine. The Logos 8 Anglican packages feature the latter type, as you’ll quickly discover from looking at the resources and authors included. To make faithful...
Dr. Kevin Vanhoozer, research professor of systematic theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, seeks to help pastors cultivate disciples through articulating doctrine. This excerpt is adapted from Dr. Vanhoozer’s newest Mobile Education...
More resources on the Trinity? Haven’t we (collectively) said all there is to say about Trinitarianism? We’ll let Dr. Fred Sanders answer that. Sanders is the author of several books and teaches theology at Biola University. He recently recorded a...
The Mobile Ed Christology Conference is happening now, and though it’s too late to join, you can still pick up the courses that serve as the backbone of the conference. Now through August 30, you can save 20% on 14 courses from the conference...
We all want more out of our time in Scripture—more insights, more wisdom, and more clarity. That’s why it’s important to never stop learning how to study your Bible. Dr. Darrell Bock, one of the world’s foremost biblical scholars, has distilled his...
To fully understand Romans, you not only need to understand the social history of the book but also rhetoric—the ancient art of persuasion. In A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Romans (10 hour course), Dr. Ben Witherington III...
Explore “the other worldview” with Dr. Peter Jones According to Peter Jones, all the religions and philosophies of the world can be divided into two basic worldviews. These two perspectives differ on the fundamental nature of reality. Is...
Put Christ at the center of your preaching With decades of experience as a seminary professor and president, pastor, and preaching coach, Dr. Chapell is one of the most engaging instructors you will ever come across. In the Mobile Ed format, his...