Are Your Favorite Scholars . . . Anglican?

There’s nothing quite as awful as bad exposition, which makes good exposition really shine. The Logos 8 Anglican packages feature the latter type, as you’ll quickly discover from looking at the resources and authors included.

To make faithful study of God’s Word and care for his people more accessible, Logos 8 Anglican packages offer the best of Anglicans’ service to the Church at one price point. As the package name suggests, many of the authors are Anglicans sharing their insight into Scriptures and the richness of Anglican beliefs.

For example, Silver and above Anglican packages include The Bible Speaks Today (55 vols. edited by John Stott, Alec Motyer, and Derek Tidball)—volumes described by J. I. Packer as “models of fruitful exposition.” 

This excerpt from the preface explains Packer’s recommendation and reveals why so many turn to this series for applications and insight for teaching and preaching:

The Bible Speaks Today describes three series of expositions, based on the books of the Old and New Testaments, and on Bible themes that run through the whole of Scripture. Each series is characterized by a threefold ideal:

    • to expound the biblical text with accuracy
    • to relate it to contemporary life, and
    • to be readable.

These books are, therefore, not “commentaries,” for the commentary seeks rather to elucidate the text than to apply it, and tends to be a work rather of reference than of literature. Nor, on the other hand, do they contain the kinds of “sermons” that attempt to be contemporary and readable without taking Scripture seriously enough. The contributors to The Bible Speaks Today series are all united in their convictions that God still speaks through what he has spoken, and that nothing is more necessary for the life, health and growth of Christians than that they should hear what the Spirit is saying to them through his ancient—yet ever modern—Word.

If you were to purchase the complete The Bible Speaks Today on its own, the cost would be $699.99. But for $999.99 in the Anglican Silver package, you get The Bible Speaks Today’s 55 volumes plus over 600 other Bible versions, lectionaries, commentaries, and more resources

For more illustration of the value you’ll find, take a look at three more resources offered in Anglican Silver and above.

3 Resource Highlights from Anglican Silver ($999.99) 

1. New Testament for Everyone Series (18 vols.) by N. T. Wright

N. T. Wright gives his own clear, conversational translation of the New Testament, then combines the translation with background, discussion, application, and more. The Christian Century describes Wright’s work on Acts, part 1, as “a rare event: a commentary that is learned without being stuffy, accessible without being reductionist. N. T. Wright joins us in our homes and workplaces, our sanctuaries and classrooms, in genial, prayerful conversation over this text that forms our lives, the New Testament Scriptures.” 

On its own, the series price is $199.99. 

2. IVP New Testament Commentary Series (20 vols.) by Craig S. Keener, Grant R. Osborne, I. Howard Marshall, and other respected theologians

The 20-volume IVP New Testament Commentary Series, normally $289.99, offers passage-by-passage exposition for those who preach or teach Scripture. Readers find engaging discussion of the text’s meaning and application for today’s church, along with notes on exegetical issues (separate from textual commentary). 

3. Your choice of Mobile Education course 

Logos Mobile Education courses provide seminary-level training from world-class professors on topics from apologetics to theology. With over 200 options, you can learn how to better communicate to modern audiences in under an hour—or spend 20 hours diving into Deuteronomy. 

Since you get to choose any Mobile Education course for free with Anglican Silver and above, the only hard part may be deciding which one. 

Browse Mobile Education courses: 

Get rich resources with Logos 8 Anglican, plus powerful tools to help you minister God’s Word. 

Learn more about Logos 8 Anglican packages today.

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Logos Staff

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