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Tag - logos mobile education

How to Become a Sermon Architect

“Building a sermon is kind of like being an architect,” says Dr. Kent Edwards. “[If] you travel around the world, you’re going to see that there are many different styles of buildings. . . . Architecture is remarkably different, but there [are]...

Is God the Origin of Evil?

Last week we had the privilege of working with Dr. David Baker in the Mobile Ed studio, filming a few of his upcoming courses on the Old Testament. Dr. Baker is a highly respected Old Testament scholar and prolific author. Some of his works include...

The Gospels and Red Volkswagens

What if the order of the New Testament was on purpose? What if we read the Gospels not as four varying accounts, but as one inspired four-fold Gospel? How would our understanding of the rest of the New Testament change if we read it through the lens...

Why Studying the Apocrypha Matters

Tobit, Judith, Sirach, Bel and the Dragon—these and all the other books of the Apocrypha aren’t in the Protestant Old Testament, but they are important pieces of literature that help inform our biblical studies. Many Christians may be nervous about...

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