The sanctity of sex, life in the family of God, and the day of the Lord—those are just three of the big issues Dr. Jeffrey Weima guides students through in his Logos Mobile Education course on 1 & 2 Thessalonians. In this excerpt adapted from...
Is Greek easier than you think? Find out for yourself during a special Facebook Live session starting at 1:30 p.m. (PT) on Wednesday, November 8. Dr. John Schwandt, executive director of Logos Mobile Education, will take your questions and...
When someone asks, “How can I trust the Bible?”, there are numerous passages in Scripture that we can turn to which affirm God’s sovereignty and the truth of his Word (2 Timothy 3:16–17, Matthew 5:18, Proverbs 30:5–6, 2 Peter...
The use of language, whether it’s Greek or English, spoken or written, is a true art form—perhaps the only one we practice every day. Instead of choosing colors from a palette or notes from a scale, we choose from a list of vocabulary, grammar, and...
The life of Jesus—his ministry, death, and resurrection—lies at the very heart of Christianity. The fact that we have four different accounts of Jesus’ time on earth emphasizes its prominence. Clearly, for effective preaching and teaching, you need...
New Testament theology is a vast subject. It can be daunting to even know where to begin. The New Testament includes writings in several different genres by several different authors. Each book was written for a specific situation and has its own...
Easter Sunday is coming up this week, and churches all over the world will be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection is the central event of the New Testament—an event that is still transforming the world and calling for a...
“Building a sermon is kind of like being an architect,” says Dr. Kent Edwards. “[If] you travel around the world, you’re going to see that there are many different styles of buildings. . . . Architecture is remarkably different, but there [are]...
Paul’s letters are among the most beloved books of the Bible. Their balance of both deep theological insights and practical advice makes them invaluable resources for the church today. In the Mobile Ed: Paul’s Letters Bundle, leading experts...
Last week we had the privilege of working with Dr. David Baker in the Mobile Ed studio, filming a few of his upcoming courses on the Old Testament. Dr. Baker is a highly respected Old Testament scholar and prolific author. Some of his works include...
Apologetics can be narrowly defined as “a defense of the faith.” More broadly, however, apologetics involves communicating the truth of Scripture to those around you. This will, at times, involve defending the claims of the Bible, but it may also...
We all know that reading the Bible is very important, but how much time do we invest in really digging deep to understand and interpret it? It’s challenging to make sure we’re interpreting the text in light of the historical, social, and...
What would someone be talking about if they said, “The Cowboys are going up to the frozen tundra to melt the Cheeseheads”? Any football fan will easily understand that sentence: the Dallas Cowboys are going to play a road game in Green Bay against...
In a recent episode of the Mobile Ed Conversations podcast, former US Army chaplain Jeff Struecker discussed his journey in the Army Rangers and the call to ministry he received the day after he was involved in the battle that the film Black Hawk...
“It’s easier to catch a baseball than a handful of sand.” Dr. Bryan Chapell uses this example in his new Mobile Ed courses to illustrate the importance of keeping a unified theme in your sermons, rather than presenting a handful of scattered ideas...
There has been a recent influx of successful Hollywood films based on biblical stories. Last year’s Noah and the more recent Exodus: Gods and Kings have been popular at the box office, but controversial among Christians for their departures from the...
Thanks to Mobile Ed, you can sit under the dynamic instruction of professors like Dr. John Walton of Wheaton College from the comfort of your own living room. Dr. Walton has been teaching about the the ancient cultures in which the Bible was written...
Logos Mobile Ed’s Preaching and Discipling Foundations Bundle is a 10-course bundle that covers a wide array of topics related to ministry. It provides great teaching by leading speakers on topics like preaching, discipleship, ethics, and specific...
Dr. Craig Evans is an expert in the background of the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and ancient manuscripts. He is also an excellent communicator. In the six-course Mobile Ed: Craig A. Evans New Testament Backgrounds Bundle, Dr. Evans...
The Christian life involves growth. The importance of maturing spiritually and growing deeper in our relationship with God cannot be overstated. However, many believers struggle to know exactly how to do that. How does one grow to be more like...
Part of living the Christian life is discipling others. In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded his disciples to go and “make disciples” (Matt. 28:19). This is an intimidating mandate. When we’re still in the process of growing in our walk with...
The Bible is the foundational text for all Christians. We read it, study it, and hear sermons on it, but many Christians don’t think about how we got it. We take for granted the 66 books—39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New—that make up our...
“I want to know God’s thoughts—the rest are mere details.” This quote is famously attributed to Albert Einstein. Though we probably don’t agree with his religious views and we don’t literally chase after the knowledge of God’s...
What was it like to be among the first Christians? The book of Acts documents this dynamic and monumental period of our history, the implications of which are far reaching for life and ministry. What were the issues which drove the early Church...
What if the order of the New Testament was on purpose? What if we read the Gospels not as four varying accounts, but as one inspired four-fold Gospel? How would our understanding of the rest of the New Testament change if we read it through the lens...
No matter what you’re studying, the medium determines your methods and tools. If you’re studying a piece of art, you might use a magnifying glass as you study the artist’s brushstrokes. If you’re studying mechanics, your toolbox is a necessity...
During the Protestant Reformation, a concept arose to prominence that has deep implications on our theology: the priesthood of all believers. This is the conviction that we are as priests before God, with access to the Father through his Son...
Imagine studying the Bible with more clarity. Imagine being able to sit with the best teachers around, learning from their experience and wisdom, and exploring the Bible with them at your side. Imagine asking any of your questions and having your...
Tobit, Judith, Sirach, Bel and the Dragon—these and all the other books of the Apocrypha aren’t in the Protestant Old Testament, but they are important pieces of literature that help inform our biblical studies. Many Christians may be nervous about...
Two passages shape much of Christian life and ministry: Matthew 28:19, which calls us to make disciples of all nations, and 2 Timothy 4:2, which calls us to be ready to preach the Word in season and out of season. Logos Mobile Education’s 10-course...