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Author - Ryan Rotz

Ryan Rotz is a web developer and marketing strategist living in the Seattle area.

Freedom, Love, and the Law in Galatians

In Galatians 5 Paul discusses the freedom believers have in Christ. He writes, “For freedom Christ has set us free” (5:1), and, “You were called to freedom” (5:13). What is the extent of this freedom? Some believers view it as a license to live...

How to Become a Sermon Architect

“Building a sermon is kind of like being an architect,” says Dr. Kent Edwards. “[If] you travel around the world, you’re going to see that there are many different styles of buildings. . . . Architecture is remarkably different, but there [are]...

Is God the Origin of Evil?

Last week we had the privilege of working with Dr. David Baker in the Mobile Ed studio, filming a few of his upcoming courses on the Old Testament. Dr. Baker is a highly respected Old Testament scholar and prolific author. Some of his works include...

Tips for Choosing a Church Curriculum

With fall right around the corner, many pastors and church administrators are finalizing their plans for which curriculum to use for their adult Sunday schools, small groups, and even Sunday-morning preaching. For those that are still weighing the...

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