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Learn Greek and Hebrew without Going (Back) to Seminary

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Many pastors who attend seminary find that the traditional approach to learning Greek and Hebrew does not work for them. First-year courses usually focus on memorizing charts, paradigms, vocabulary, and more. The overwhelming amount of memorization causes many to quit before reaching their end goal: learning how to use Greek and Hebrew to interpret Scripture.

Even after making it all the way through their original-language coursework, many pastors find that years of ministry slowly chip away at the paradigms and rules they worked so hard to master—leaving only a vague recollection of declensions, tenses, and grammatical constructs they spent years (and thousands of dollars) struggling to retain.

This is a frustrating situation—why memorize something you’re not going to use? In this video you’ll hear the story of a student who experienced these frustrations and how that inspired the creation of the Mobile Ed courses Learn to Use Biblical Greek and Hebrew with Logos 6.

The New Approach to Learning Greek and Hebrew

These Mobile Ed courses eliminate the need for memorization. You’ll learn the same grammatical concepts you’d study in your first year of seminary, but you’ll jump right in to how to use those concepts to interpret Scripture.

Because the courses are a part of your Logos library, you’ll learn how Logos’ language tools and resources can do the heavy lifting for you so you can focus on your exegesis. Instead of memorizing complicated paradigms, you’ll focus on understanding Greek and Hebrew in a practical way that helps you interpret the Bible.


Save $400 when you get these courses on Pre-Pub. Pre-order now!

author ryan rotz x
Written by
Ryan Rotz

Ryan Rotz is a web developer and marketing strategist living in the Seattle area.

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author ryan rotz x Written by Ryan Rotz