Tag - Hebrew

Logos 6 Review: Dr. Mark Futato

Today’s guest post is from Dr. Mark Futato. Dr. Futato currently serves as the Robert L. Maclellian Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. He is an avid Logos user and creatively integrates the software into...

3 Ways Logos 6 Helps You Grow

From experienced scholar to new student, Logos 6 makes biblical insights accessible to everyone. Here are three ways Logos 6 helps you grow in your Bible study: 1. Do scholarly study (without formal training) For those who haven’t attended seminary...

Honoring Stephen H. Levinsohn

This past week, Steven Runge has been at Oxford teaching a course on discourse grammar at Wycliffe Hall. Among the attendees was Stephen H. Levinsohn, a linguist affiliated with the Summer Institute of Linguistics who has done important work to...

Seize the Blessing

In my mind, the primary reason we attend seminary is so that we can learn how to handle God’s Word appropriately. Of course there are many other benefits to seminary that go beyond that, but I believe that this is what makes seminary unique...

You Are Smarter Than a Lexicon

Today’s guest post is by Dr. Michael S. Heiser, Academic Editor at Logos Bible Software. Lexicons are commonly used for studying biblical languages. It may shock you, then, that I’m an advocate for discouraging their use by beginning Hebrew and...

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