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Word Study: Dig Deeper into the Word(s)


I feel like I’ve grown spiritually by listening to radio ministries. Three of my favorite teachers are Beth Moore, Kay Arthur and Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I’d hear them constantly refer to Greek and Hebrew—the languages that the Bible was first written in—to unlock the depth and beauty of Scripture. By doing word studies, they seemed to uncover the meaning of so many words that get lost in translation. Can I learn how to do the same thing in Logos? How can I follow along with them to know what they are saying is accurate?

What you just read came out of an email I sent out to my co-workers at Logos a while ago. My name is Elise Bryant and I work in the Accounting department at Logos. It’s funny, but even though I work here, I wasn’t familiar with our software. I just didn’t know how to use it to understand Scripture on a deeper level. So I asked my co-workers for some help.

word studyThe instructions I got back in response were pretty clear, but I was still a little lost. What I really needed was for someone to take me by the hand and show me what to do. So our Educational Resources department got an idea: They made Learn to Do Word Studies with Logos Bible Software.

It’s exactly what I need! The collection of videos are the perfect blend of teaching and tutorial, focusing on how to discover the meaning of words in the Bible. I can learn at my own pace and pause/rewind the videos (so I don’t have to ask the same question twice!). They tell me what books and features I can use for word studies—things I didn’t even know were available. It tells me what the “rules” are for doing word studies so that I don’t make common mistakes. And I get to see actual word studies demonstrated with a basic approach and an intermediate one.

Best of all, I’m able to study the Bible just like my favorite Bible teachers. I can follow along anytime they make a reference to a Greek or Hebrew word. With Learn to Do Word Studies I don’t just listen to people talk about Bible study, I can do it for myself!

Learn to Do Word Studies with Logos Bible Software is currently under development and won’t be on Pre-Pub much longer!

Today’s guest post is by Elise Bryant, from the Logos Bible Software Accounting department.

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Guest Author

This post was written by a Logos guest author. Logos Bible Software helps pastors, scholars, and other Christians get more out of their Bible study.

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