Search results for - thanks verse of the day


Developing a Prayer Life in Seminary

How often do we need to pray? What does prayer look like? How can I know I’m doing it right? Often, the interesting aspect of beginning seminary life is not the amount of security you find, but the lack of depth you uncover. It was during my first...

A Bible Student’s Hidden Strength

I once had a grandmotherly friend, a secretary in my office, who had great interest in the Bible but no training in the biblical languages. Her strength as a Bible student came from one obvious and one hidden source. The obvious source was her daily...

Why You Should Care about Math

“Mathematics,” wrote the agnostic philosopher Bertrand Russell, “is, I believe, the chief source of belief in eternal and exact truth.” Of course, there are lots of other reasons to believe in eternal, exact truth, but Russell’s getting at...

40,000 Facebook Fans and Growing!

Thanks to all of our Facebook fans, yesterday we passed the 40,000 fan mark! It’s quite a milestone, and it’s exciting that you’re staying connected and socializing with each other and us. Just for perspective, 40,000 is also the number of: about...

An Interview with Dr. William Varner

Dr. William Varner’s To Love God and to Love Others: A Devotional Commentary on James is now available on Pre-Pub. I had the honor of sitting down with Dr. Varner at this year’s Evangelical Theological Society’s meeting in San Francisco to ask him a...

Seminary is a Team Sport

Can you name a team sport that starts with ‘s’? (Think about it’ll wait.) How about ‘seminary’? Oh, you don’t think so? Well, you’ll have another chance later. Hopefully by then I will have changed your...

My Story: Paul Burgess

This week’s story comes from Paul Burgess, an undergraduate student at CSU. I am a full-time worker and part-time distance education (correspondence) student studying for my Bachelor of Theology. I have found that I need the Logos software. I am...

Advice for families going to seminary

While scouring the internet today for more information to help us all on our seminary journeys I stumbled across a great post on tHe Resurgence (not to be confused with The post, Advice for Seminary Students with Families (&...

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