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3 Ways to Keep Your Bible Study On Track

The Overseas Highway stretches 113 miles between Miami and the Florida keys, providing access to breathtaking wildlife and the largest coral reef off the U.S. mainland. But it only exists thanks to the category-five hurricane that destroyed the iconic Overseas Railway that once stood in its place. During the 1935 storm, an 18-foot wave swept 11 rail cars off the track, leaving only the engine and tender upright. Miraculously, no one was injured. The Overseas Railway however, was utterly destroyed overnight.

Sometimes our Bible study can feel like a trainwreck. It’s all too easy to get side-tracked by confusing words, bogged down by cultural nuances, and blown off track by the “who’s who” in scripture.

Here are 3 ways you can use Logos 6 to keep your Bible study on track and glean more insight from scripture.

Study biblical characters

Because we’re so removed from the original context of scripture understanding the people, places, things, and events in the Bible can be tough. Think about doing a character study on the Apostle Peter—what resources would you need? Imagine the time you’d spend pulling a book off the shelf, finding every mention of Peter in that volume, and flipping back and forth through biblical passages. Then, repeat that process with every relevant resource in your library. But Logos instantly pulls all of that information into one place. The Factbook is like a one-stop-shop for information on any biblical topic, person, event, place, and more!

See events Peter participated in, related imagery, dictionary articles on the apostle, and every place the Bible mentions Peter. Check out the Factbook in action.

Contextualize Scripture with ancient literature

To really understand how the original audiences interpreted Scripture, you need to dig into ancient literature such as  Josephus, or the works of Philo. Even if you know where to look, it can be challenging to find passages that are relevant to the passage you’re studying. But with the Ancient Literature tool, examining the Bible in its cultural and linguistic context is easy For example, why would Isaiah say that barren women should rejoice? By consulting ancient literature, you can uncover insights that would be hidden otherwise.  Watch the video to learn more from this passage.

Do original-language word studies

A big part of Bible study is understanding the nuance of words in the original language.  For example, in Acts chapter 1, the word “brother” is used 3 different times in a matter of a few verses. Do they all mean the same thing? How should we interpret its meaning? With the Logos 6 Sense Section you can get the meaning of a word in one click, or perform an in-depth word study on how and when the lemma of a word is used in the Bible

See how to interpret “brother” in Acts 1 with this video.

All of these features are available in Logos 6, and right now you can upgrade at your custom Dynamic Price. And you can do it without the expense of adding books to your library. With the Feature Crossgrade, you get every feature of Logos 6 Gold and keep your current library and documents.

Keep your Bible study on track with the Logos 6 Feature Crossgrade!

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Crossover into the future of Bible study today!


Get access to a free training webinar from the Logos Pro’s when you get the Feature Crossgrade or upgrade to any Logos 6 base package today. When you attend the webinar you’ll receive a $25 coupon code toward expanding your library with any of the powerful feature collections. Get the Feature Crossgrade now!

Written by
Taylor Blomquist

Taylor is the Marketing Manager for Logos Bible Software. He loves spending time with his family, discussing theology, and playing golf.

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Written by Taylor Blomquist