This article was originally part of The Paul Page, a site dedicated to academic study of the apostle, with special focus on the work of N.T. Wright. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are from the New Revised Standard Version...
This article was originally part of The Paul Page, a site dedicated to academic study of the apostle, with special focus on the work of N.T. Wright. Michael B. Thompson (Cambridge: Grove Books Unlimited), 2002, 28 pp. This little booklet from the...
This article was originally part of The Paul Page, a site dedicated to academic study of the apostle, with special focus on the work of N.T. Wright. This article is an edited transcript of the second of a two-part conversation recorded...
This article was originally part of The Paul Page, a site dedicated to academic study of the apostle, with special focus on the work of N.T. Wright. John L. Meech (Oxford University Press), 2006, 192 pp. Paul in Israel’s Story: Self...
This article was originally part of The Paul Page, a site dedicated to academic study of the apostle, with special focus on the work of N.T. Wright. James D.G. Dunn, ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.), 2001, 376 pp. Though...
This article was originally part of The Paul Page, a site dedicated to academic study of the apostle, with special focus on the work of N.T. Wright. Morna D. Hooker (Oxford: One World Publications), 2003, 176 pp. If you’re looking for an...
This article was originally part of The Paul Page, a site dedicated to academic study of the apostle, with special focus on the work of N.T. Wright. Tom Holland, Scotland, UK: Mentor, 2004, 392 pp. Available from Logos Generally...
This article was originally part of The Paul Page, a site dedicated to academic study of the apostle, with special focus on the work of N.T. Wright. On March 20, 2006, Tom Holland of the Evangelical Theological College of Wales spoke at the...
This article was originally part of The Paul Page, a site dedicated to academic study of the apostle, with special focus on the work of N.T. Wright. Robert Orlando is a writer, director, and editor who also happens to have studied...
This article was originally part of The Paul Page, a site dedicated to academic study of the apostle, with special focus on the work of N.T. Wright. As explained elsewhere on The Paul Page, the new perspective on Paul pioneered by scholars like E. P...
This article was originally part of The Paul Page, a site dedicated to academic study of the apostle, with special focus on the work of N.T. Wright. Whereas the new perspective on Paul considers Paul’s writings in the context of first-century...