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A Review of Vos’ Reformed Dogmatics


Lexham Press editor Elliot Ritzema reviews Geerhardus Vos’ Reformed Dogmatics (:10), and Dr. Darrell Bock discusses his work on the Gospels (1:50).

The first and only English translation of Geerhardus Vos’ Reformed Dogmatics

Geerhardus Vos’ Reformed Dogmatics (5 vols.) represents the early theological thought of one of the premier Reformed thinkers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Originally self-published in five volumes in 1896 under the title Gereformeerde Dogmatiek (also known as Dogmatiek), this important piece of Reformed theology has never been available to an English audience.

Get Reformed Dogmatics today.

Study the Gospels and the book of Acts with Dr. Darrell L. Bock

In NT211: Introducing the Gospels and Acts: Their Background, Nature, and Purpose, Dr. Bock walks you through the pivotal events of history that shaped the social, religious, and political environment of Jesus and the early church. Find out why the religious leaders wanted Jesus crucified and how the resurrection demonstrated God’s approval of Jesus as Messiah.
Discover how the early Church remembered, shared, and recorded the events of Jesus’ life and how those events became the catalyst for ministry in the book of Acts. Learn about the literary features of the gospel genre and why some “gospels” were not included in the New Testament.
Get NT211: Introducing the Gospels and Acts: Their Background, Nature, and Purpose today.

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