What does it mean to be Reformed? What even is Reformed theology? Spend any amount of time in Christian spaces on social media, and you'll soon see that confusion and caricatures abound. Many who presume to speak authoritatively about Reformed...
The name Reformed Baptist raises numbers of eyebrows. Some Christians believe the moniker is a contradiction in terms. Others think it simply refers to Baptists who are Calvinists. Nevertheless, despite the understandable confusion, Reformed...
What is Reformed theology? In the land where the Azusa Street Revival, International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, Calvary Chapel, and Saddleback Church had their birth and continue their influence, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been...
What is Calvinism? Any attempt to give just one answer is sure to be wrong. Calvinism is not a church or a denomination. Calvinism is not even (just) a system of doctrine. Instead, Calvinism is a broad religious tradition with certain shared views...
Lexham Press editor Elliot Ritzema reviews Geerhardus Vos’ Reformed Dogmatics (:10), and Dr. Darrell Bock discusses his work on the Gospels (1:50). The first and only English translation of Geerhardus Vos’ Reformed Dogmatics Geerhardus...
An obscure monk hammers a list of grievances onto the doors of a church: what could be more revolutionary—or more symbolic of the Protestant Reformation—than that? But when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Wittenburg Church door on October...
John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion is among the most important works of theology in church history. It’s a central text for Protestantism, especially the Reformed tradition, and continues to be read and referenced widely today, just...
If you’re a frequent user of commentaries, you know that putting together a library of the finest sets and individual volumes is vital to making the most out of your Bible study. The Reformed Commentary Bundle offers a unique opportunity to study...
The past few months have seen the release of two important new study Bibles in the Reformed world. Get nearly 45% off the print price! Pre-order the Reformation Study Bible and the Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible today! Get a major update to a...
Edited by Richard Muller, author of the magisterial Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics, the Texts and Studies in Reformation and Post-Reformation Thought series engages original texts in Reformed history with care and precision, bringing to light...
This week, we celebrate the birthdays of two of the twentieth century’s most significant theological minds: Karl Barth and Cornelius Van Til. Although they were theological adversaries, they were both men of faith who exercised enormous influence...
A few months ago we announced our intention to translate Geerhardus Vos’s Reformed Dogmatics into English. We put it on Pre-Pub to determine whether our users wanted this project to proceed, and the response has been overwhelming. Not only have lots...