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You’ve Asked, You’ve Waited, and Here They Are: Logos Digital Gift Cards!

Logos users have been asking for years, how can I give someone else the gift of Logos?

Unless you were buying a specific package or resource, we didn’t have a good way for you to add a gift card to someone’s account. . . .

Until now. The wait is over! Logos digital gift cards are here, in time for the last few days of pastor appreciation month, or Reformation Day, or just because.

You can get Logos gift cards in $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, or $1,000 increments—enough to pick a book, course, or even a Logos package.

Buying a gift card is pretty simple:

  1. Go to the Logos gift card page, and choose the increment from the dropdown
  2. Add to your cart (repeat as much as you’d like—you can buy multiple gift cards at once)
  3. Check out
  4. Once you buy a gift card, you’ll see a questionnaire to help us apply your gift card to the right person’s account (if you get more than one, our customer service team will reach out to ask you a few questions so your gift cards go to the right people)

That’s it! Got questions about how Logos gift cards work? Check out our FAQs or call our customer service team

Who do you know who would enjoy a Logos digital gift card?

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff