Effective Bible study practices Studying the Bible is an important part of the Christian life, but it’s a part that all too often gets swept under the rug and pushed off until a later date. Even if you take the time to read the Bible every day, how...
“Is this worship?” That’s not a thought I expected to have nearing the end of my first 15K race, but there it was. As I watched seagulls soaring overhead and one foot fell in front of the other, my reasoning went like this:...
Books on faith range from short and conversational to long and scholarly. They come from all kinds of angles too—struggling with faith, learning foundations of the Christian faith, and growing stronger in faith, to name a few. Here are 13 books on...
Timothy Gatewood | Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary In a time when teaching success is defined by pragmatic, content-based assessment, I would like to offer a different path forward: teaching as ontological formation. Rather than viewing...
Exploring the Relationship between Education and Spiritual Formation Jeff Dryden | Covenant College Last semester I assigned the classic C. S. Lewis text The Abolition of Man to my New Testament Ethics class. Although it had been at least a decade...
What is a devotional? That’s not easy to answer. A devotional can be many things. It can be a Bible reading plan. It can be a series of meditations. It can be a liturgical exercise. It can be a daily selection of verses, accompanied by a...
God calls all Christians to become more like Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 3:18), and this transformation happens in the innermost part of a person: their heart. This progression is called spiritual formation, which involves...
You don’t have to look very far to see awe problems everywhere around you. Adultery is an awe problem. To the degree that you forget God’s glory as the Creator of your body and his place as owner of every aspect of your physical, emotional, mental...
A mother buries the child she loves. A hardworking husband loses his job. A family goes hungry. All of these scenarios beg the same question: If God is good, why do we suffer? For some—including many Christians today—suffering is a sign of God’s...
There's only one day left to pick up the Zondervan Practical Theology Collection (4 vols.) while it's still on Pre-Pub! Included in this four volume set is the Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. Edited by Bethel Seminary professor Glen G...
"For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers."—Romans 8:29 (ESV) This has been a favorite verse of mine for years. I have always loved the idea...