The Bible does speak of demons, and demonology is a proper subject of theology. If angels and demons exist and afflict God’s people as the Bible asserts, then their existence and methods are necessary for a Christian’s understanding of reality. The...
Exploring the Relationship between Education and Spiritual Formation Jeff Dryden | Covenant College Last semester I assigned the classic C. S. Lewis text The Abolition of Man to my New Testament Ethics class. Although it had been at least a decade...
I was just having lunch with some pastors, and we were having a friendly disagreement over exegesis. One experienced expositor said, “The Holy Spirit chose precisely this word and not another, so it must have special significance.” I said, “Yes, but...
When we’re talking about eschatology (that’s the study of the end times), it’s easy to get confused by the different terms people use. Before you really dig into the topic, it’s helpful to know the four main views of the end...
In 1919—only a year after World War I—a young atheist named Clive Hamilton published a collection of poems about the material world, the problem of evil, and a longing for who-knows-what. Today, you know Clive Hamilton as C. S. Lewis, and Spirits in...
How many memes have you seen that claim to be quotes from significant voices? C. S. Lewis and G. K. Chesterton seem to get lots of citations, and the appeal is obvious. They’re widely admired, wrote on many different subjects, and weren’t confined...
These days are hectic and divisive—and while it can feel as if the chasms between each of us are deepening, recent films about Mister Rogers’ life are helping us remember our shared humanity. I recently went to a screening of A Beautiful Day in the...
By Kevin Vanhoozer The church is the body of Christ, and its core—the community of disciples, the faith corps—enables its characteristic bodily movements: witnessing to the gospel, worshiping the God of the gospel, maintaining the health of the...
It’s been said of C.S. Lewis that talking to him and reading his writings were remarkably similar experiences. When he spoke on topics he’d written on, he was so enthusiastic you’d think he was discovering them for the first time. The C...
In my previous post, I discussed C.S. Lewis’ introduction to a translation of St. Athanasius’ The Incarnation of the Word of God. If you’ve read his introduction, and if you’re like me, you want to read the version he introduced. Unfortunately for...
Guest writer Adam B. Shaeffer holds an MA in Spiritual Formation from Talbot School of Theology and a PhD in Theology from Durham University. He is already a big fan of Logos 8. In my previous posts, I’ve highlighted some of the new features in...
Whether you’re a casual fan or can recite everything Lewis has ever written, you’re sure to discover something new about his life, work, and influence in the pages of the 30-volume C.S. Lewis Collection . Here are just a few: 1) He never became a...
I was looking for a Mother’s Day gift and I stumbled across a quotation on the website of a local massage therapist: I’m a huge Lewis fan, and I immediately said to myself, C.S. Lewis never said that. I just knew. First a techie lesson on how I...
It’s C.S. Lewis week here at Faithlife! We’re celebrating the scholar’s life and writings and the 30-volume C.S. Lewis Collection. This is a post from Faithlife staff member Ben Amundgaard critiquing three scholarly works included in this collection...
It’s C.S. Lewis week here at Faithlife! We’re celebrating the scholar’s life and writings in the 30-volume C.S. Lewis Collection. This is a post from Ryan J. Pemberton (M.T.S., Duke Divinity School), minister for university engagement at First...
“Remember that there are only three kinds of things anyone need ever do. (1.) Things we ought to do (2.) Things we’ve got to do (3.) Things we like doing.” — C.S. Lewis It’s C.S. Lewis Week on the blog as we celebrate his 30-volume Logos collection...
Picking my favorite C.S. Lewis piece is like picking my favorite child. I can’t do it. I won’t. I love them all. But on any given day, one of them may be especially and noticeably good. Today, one is. It’s a sermon called “The Weight of Glory.”...
C.S. Lewis is one of the modern Christianity’s greatest writers. Whether a pastor or a layperson, believers have sought counsel with Lewis regarding depression, spiritual warfare, or simply to increase their faith in Jesus. His most famous works...
“In science we have been reading only the notes to a poem; in Christianity we find the poem itself.” — C.S. Lewis This is one of many memorable lines in the crescendo of C.S. Lewis’ Miracles. The book refutes popular arguments...
I spent a good deal of my early adulthood avoiding C.S. Lewis. After my childhood enthrallment with Narnia, I largely left the Oxbridge don behind. The reason was simple: everyone else was suggesting I should read him. So, I didn’t. There was more...
For C.S. Lewis, the acclaimed Christian apologist and author, a permanent sense of longing characterized his deepest held beliefs about Christianity. He identified this feeling with the idea of sehnsucht, a German word meaning “longing” or “desire...
This is a post from Adam B. Shaeffer, PhD, Durham University, contemplating Lewis’ An Experiment in Criticism. I love C.S. Lewis. I have read and reread his works more times than I can count. Whenever someone asks me which of his books is my...
Lewis is far and away the most searched author on, and his collected works are now available in Logos. Having these books in Logos is like studying the Bible (or Church history, theology, etc.) with a Lewis scholar sitting nearby to say...
If you want to add a ton of valuable C. S. Lewis works to your library without buying each book individually, the 30-volume C.S. Lewis collection in Logos is the way to go. The collection contains many of his most popular works, but it also includes...
I was looking for a Mother’s Day gift and I stumbled across a quotation on the website of a local massage therapist: You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. —C. S. Lewis I’m a huge Lewis...
For C.S. Lewis, the acclaimed Christian apologist and author, a permanent sense of longing characterized his deepest held beliefs about Christianity. He identified this feeling with the idea of sehnsucht, a German word meaning “longing” or “desire”...
One of the best things about C.S. Lewis is his broad appeal. He wrote numerous volumes on multiple topics, spanning from medieval works to apologetics to children’s literature. In short, his genius is easily appreciated by many different...
The Screwtape Letters is a series of fictional letters written by C.S. Lewis. In this collection, an elder demon, Uncle Screwtape, is advising his young nephew, Wormwood, on the best way to ensnare and beguile the human he has been assigned. Here...
Last night, I opened up C.S. Lewis’ A Grief Observed for the first time in several years. As I began to read, I remembered the first time I read Lewis’ work. It was a powerful and stirring point in my life. It helped me to read...