Search results for - seminary scholarship


Is Seminary Relevant? The Contra Argument

It was entirely coincidental that within about a week of each other, two seminarians would write blog posts on the relevancy of seminary education, one arguing in favor of it, the other against it. I contacted them soon after to see if they would be...

Rushing through Seminary

I know of a student (through a friend at a different seminary than mine) that is finishing his M.div in 5 semesters. This means that in two and a half years, he finished a 90+ hour masters level degree. While it had to be cheaper, and quicker, I...

Starting Seminary Year 4 of ?

For the last couple years I’ve been blessed to be a teaching assistant for first-year Theology at Multnomah (actually co-TA, as Kari does most of the paper-grading). Once or twice a semester I get to fill-in for our prof and teach (preach!) on...

Foreign Missionay Needs Seminary Advice

OK everyone, time to help someone out. I was contacted by Dan and Chris who are missionaries in Poland. They have 2 daughters and are considering going to seminary. Below is a letter explaining their situation and they have asked for our help. So...

Great job while in seminary

I discovered this one while starting to work on the scholarship list last night and figured it might be worth its own post. Apparently, UPS has a scholarship program for its employees (can you say $3000 a year). Not only that, but it is available to...

Blogging my way though seminary

Ok… not everyone is a blogger. But if you are, did you know that there is actually lots of money to be made in blogging? Now, I know what you’re thinking… Writing my opinions about things and getting paid… SWEET! Well, if it...

How to Beat the Winter Quarter Blues

Now that the holidays have passed, a new quarter (or semester) has begun. And I don’t know about you, but every year, Winter Quarter at college hit me hard. Something about the short, dark days and enough rain to make swimming to classes the most...

Billion with a B

The world has 1125 billionaires. The most common search term that brings people to our website is “seminary scholarship.” You connect the dots.

Logos Live: Vern Poythress

What you’ll see in this Logos Live episode Dr. Mark Ward interviews Bible scholar, professor, and author Rev. Dr. Vern Poythress about Trinitarian theology and more. Vern Poythress (PhD, Harvard; DTh, Stellenbosch) is distinguished professor...

Reclaiming Joy in Teaching

A Conversation with Thomas R. Schreiner Respect for our students and for our schools is what undergirds a meaningful calling to teach, observes Thomas R. Schreiner, the James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and associate...

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