As seminary students, we realize a mantra that matters much in church life is “IN ESSENTIALS UNITY, IN NON-ESSENTIALS LIBERTY, IN ALL THINGS CHARITY.” We believe this and know this to be true. This is why we have had conferences like...
I recently heard a couple discussing reasons as to why they left a certain church. They kept telling me that they loved the doctrine, they loved what they heard from the pulpit, and they loved what they learned. What drove them away from this church...
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men Colossians 3:23 This is the third post in a three part series. Read God first, family second if you have not read them yet. Now, we have come to the last third of the mantra my mom used...
And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:39 This is the second post of a three post series. The first one, God First, discussed how God should be number one in our lives in everything that we do; specifically...
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Deut. 6:5 I was raised in a nominal Catholic home, but there are a few theological points my mom would make that actually make sense. One of those...
If you are anything like me, then you experience seasons where you either are not able to read your Bible for personal edification or you seem to just run out of time each day. What makes it real bad is that I am a seminary student. Even worse than...
From our family at Going to Seminary to yours, Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday. May Christ’s atoning work on the cross be everything to you today and always. God bless.
Confession I have a confession to make. One year ago, I hated the concept of digital print media and swore I would never “cave-in” to the latest “trend” in books; i.e., Logos. My how times have changed! Over the course of...
Storms, Sam. More Precious than Gold: 50 Daily Meditations on the Psalms. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2009. 282 pp. $15.99. Sam Storms, founder of Enjoying God Ministries, has become in recent years an instrument used by God to show us His glory...
This month’s free download from Christian Audio is So Beautiful by Leonard Sweet. Simply enter coupon code APR2009. What is commonly known as DNA today was called “…so pretty!” when it was discovered years ago, and over the...
Barrs, Jerram. Through His Eyes: God’s Perspective on Women in the Bible. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2009. 352 pp. $19.99. With all the discussion today regarding a woman’s roll in the church and whether or not she is obligated to stay at...
The other day we ran a review of Derek Cooper’s book, So You’re Thinking About Going to Seminary (We’re also giving away 2 copies as well–See the bottom of the post). Today we are posting an interview where we got to ask Dr...
With your help, we have made Donald S. Whitney’s audio book Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life the most downloaded book in the history of free downloads at Christian Audio! If you have not got your free download, check it out here...
Here is a thought-provoking sermon about what the Gospel is and is not. Give it a listen at Sermon Audio and let us (or Rockport Baptist) know what you think.
Beals, Timothy J., The RED Letters: The Sayings and Teachings of Jesus. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2009. 160 pp. $16.99 Have you ever picked up a book not really expecting it to be what you thought it was going to be? Timothy J. Beals’ book is...
Laurelen Whitney, Don Whitney’s daughter, has entered a national contest in which participants submit a Youtube video of themselves singing the National Anthem. Every viewing of the video and 4 or 5-star rating increases the...
Carter, Joe and John Coleman, How to Argue Like Jesus. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2009. 174 pp. $15.99. Joe Carter, not the baseball player, is the managing editor for Culture11, an online magazine, and writes on his personal blog, The Evangelical...
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter ed. Nancy Guthrie. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2009. 152 pp. $12.99 Nancy Guthrie has once again dazzled with a compilation of seasonal devotionals. Her last devotional book...
Bake Ottofy is the writer behind the Treasury of Bible Studies and Bible Teaching Notes website. I know him personally and have found him to be a wonderful expositor, teacher, and mentor. He offers free give aways of some of his notes through his...
Santos, Helen. Caleb’s Lamb. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2007. 95 pp. $10.00. I cannot call this a review so much as an alert. This book is an excellent tool to teach your children what substitutionary atonement is and how...
Last night Ryan sent a prayer request on Twitter for his dad. He had suffered a stroke and is passing a kidney stone. The update this morning is that the heart seems alright but the stone needs to be passed. His dad is in a lot of pain. Please pray...
BibleWorks8 (BW8) is the latest in the Bible Works computer software series. Building upon the huge successes and renovations made to BW7, this new edition has much to offer while at the same time remaining constant in most of its functionality...
We are now through the first month of using the Letters of Samuel Rutherford as a devotional in 2009. If you are reading along, I pray you have been as blessed as I have been. I would like to take some time to reflect back on some quotes as well as...
Ed Stetzer of LifeWay has a wonderful post about balancing ministry with family. This is just as important for the seminarian and it deserves a careful read.
Suffering and the Goodness of God, ed. Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2008. 253 pp. $23.99 Introduction Suffering and the Goodness of God is the first book in a new series being published by Crossway Books...
With a renewal of Reformed Theology spreading throughout Christendom in the last couple decades, it is truly to our benefit that we look to the past in order to understand how to move forward. This is aptly stated in the Introduction to each book in...
As we are beginning a new semester of classes, I have been reflecting on what I have learned during the first three semesters and where that learning has taken place. Personally, I have learned more outside of the classroom than I have inside. That...
Carr, Simonetta. John Calvin. Illustrated by Emanuele Taglietti. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2008. 64 pp. $18.00. With 2009 being the 500th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth, Reformation Heritage Books has published a wonderful...
Banner of Truth (BoT) has once again served up some thick Puritan theology in bite-sized morsels. I previously reviewed Heaven by Jonathan Edwards, Anger Management by Richard Baxter, Living Faith by Samuel Ward, and Impure Lust by John Flavel. Now...
The information for this post can be found in Meet The Puritans by Joel Beeke and Randall Pederson available at Reformation Heritage Books or Westminster Book Store. As part of Going to Seminary’s devotional initiative, we would like to...