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Logos Pro—How to Cut Down Your Prep Time with Inline Search

When I was in full-time ministry, I had to preach or teach as many as three times a week. I was committed to making every single sermon and lesson based on careful exegesis of God’s Word. That meant paying careful attention to the original languages.

But when you’re preparing that much material in a given week, switching between all those resources can really drain away the time you could be using to get to the meat of a biblical text. Being really thorough means scouring mammoth volumes for every occurrence of a word or phrase in the original language.

I love studying the Bible, but with so many responsibilities, I’m always looking for ways to cut down on my prep time and get to the meaning of a passage, faster.

Inline Search makes it easier

Recently I sat down with Todd Bishop, one of our Logos Pros. He showed me that with Logos 6, I can search the underlying Greek or Hebrew without ever leaving my English Bible. Watch Todd show you how it’s done:

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Power your search with these resources

To get the most out of Logos 6 and Inline Search, you need a library full of top-notch resources. I asked Todd what he recommends. Here are his top choices:

    • Biblia Hebraica—the definitive edition of the Hebrew Bible.
    • Nestle-Aland 28—If Biblia Hebraica is the definitive Hebrew Bible, Nestle-Aland is the go-to Greek New Testament. Chances are, you already have both of these resources on your shelf, but if you want to search them the way Todd’s shown you, add them to your Logos library.
    • Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible—If you want the kind of rich mark-up you saw in the video above, you need something like the Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible in your library. This resource reveals the original languages hidden beneath the English translation.
    • Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (BECNT)—Todd says you can even perform an Inline Search in your commentaries. One of my personal favorites is BECNT—one of the most respected scholarly, evangelical commentaries out there.

Get started with Inline Search today!

Inline Search is included in the Logos 6 Core Engine. But to get the most out of this tool, I recommend Logos 6 Bronze or higher. Get started with Logos 6 and the Factbook now.


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Logos Staff

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