The better you learn how to use Logos Bible Software, the more you’ll get out of your Bible study. Logos is designed to provide insight into the Bible. Every tool has that ultimate goal. If you want to learn how to use Logos—because you want...
Tell me if this sounds familiar: It’s December 31, and you think, “This is it. This is the year I will read the Bible all the way through.” You start strong through Genesis and Exodus. You power your way through the ritual laws in Leviticus and the...
I have a long-standing, friendly argument going with an old professor of mine. It started when, as a budding young Greek student in seminary, I asked, “Should I get the paper version of BDAG or the digital version?” “Paper,” he said, “because you...
Answer me one question about an obscure story in Judges chapter 11, and I’ll tell you what your view of the whole Old Testament is. I’ve argued before that your view of the trees is determined by your view of the forest, and I think the story of...
A clever and provocative author wrote something clever and provocative recently about Bible translation: We are accustomed to say things like “something got lost in the translation,” which it frequently does. But can anything ever be gained? Let me...
An open letter to Tim Challies, in response to a recent blog post. Dear Tim, The people in my office at Faithlife, makers of Logos Bible Software, read your post “Going All-in With Ebooks” with excitement—and not just because we sell ebooks...
Calling all nerd wannabes. I, on behalf of the Logos Pros, am about to share with you one of the most useful computer tips you will ever get. I mean that. I’m going to apply the tip to a narrow question: “What’s the quickest and easiest way to...
Imagine what would happen if thousands of Christians actually did what we all sort of feel like we’re supposed to do, especially at the New Year: imagine that we all read the Bible. If you’ve been part of our 30-day Bible study challenge since it...
The Logos Pros are here to help the church. And one of the things the church is processing right now, along with much of the rest of the world, is the role digital tools will play in their reading. D.G. writes: I seek out many of the volumes...
“Transliteration” is not the same as “translation.” Tranliteration brings just letters across the divide between languages (if indeed the languages don’t already use the same alphabet). Спасибо becomes spasibo; 國語 becomes Guóyǔ. Scholars...
I once had a grandmotherly friend, a secretary in my office, who had great interest in the Bible but no training in the biblical languages. Her strength as a Bible student came from one obvious and one hidden source. The obvious source was her daily...
From age four to age 18 I read the KJV pretty much exclusively. All my Scripture memory in kids ministries was taken from the KJV, and I even begged my second-grade teacher at my Christian school to let the class speak in King James English for a...
In college I had this amazing friend. He was stupendous at Bible study because he had this really cool system. He had taken two copies of Strong’s Concordance and sliced up the pages so that every entry was its own slip of paper (he needed two...
You get up early, you carve out time for Bible study, and you have an insight as you read. But reader beware: if you don’t write that insight down, you didn’t really have it. It had you. And it dropped you, perhaps never to pick you up again. Unless...
You do and you don’t need Hebrew to understand the Old Testament. You don’t, because the Bible has already been translated into English. You do, because there are different levels of understanding: There’s your certified mechanic and your weekend...
Even if you spend time studying God’s Word in depth every day, chances are you read the Bible devotionally as well. But staying on track with your Bible reading can be challenging. One solution is to find a good Bible reading plan. There are lots...
Like any specialized field, theology and biblical studies have developed their own unique vocabularies. That terminology has been refined over thousands of years—and often familiar terms are used in unique ways. For instance, although the terms...
Text critical study is often elusive for serious bible students. But it shouldn’t be. And with the powerful tools in Logos 6, studying textual criticism is easier than ever. But to get the most out of these powerful features, you need...
One of the first steps of any Bible study is to develop an outline of your passage. It’s a straightforward way to grasp the argument, flow of thought, and themes in that section of Scripture. As you’re developing an outline, it’s immensely helpful...
Everyone’s Bible-study workflow is different. Hopefully we’re all following sound hermeneutics, but there’s infinite variation in how we actually apply those principles. Since no two workflows are exactly alike, Logos can be customized to fit your...
Textual criticism can be pretty intimidating. Sometimes, it’s hard to even know where to start. Today, I’ll show you how you can incorporate this essential task into your study using Logos 6. You can investigate textual differences in the Bible at...
If you’re an expert Logos user, Faithlife may have a job for you. Our Logos Pro team creates high-quality training materials that equip users to use the most advanced Bible study software in the world. If you already use Logos every day, why not get...
God is passionate about missions. As an influential textbook on missiology boldly declares, “The clear affirmation of Scripture is that our God is a missionary God.” Not only has God sent his Son Jesus to be the savior of the world’s sins, he has...
Tell me everything you know about the book of Romans. Ready, set, go! Admit it: unless you’re Doug Moo, it’s pretty tough to summarize the background details of even this well-read and beloved epistle. But if you’ve ever preached through the book of...
C.S. Lewis once said, “The most valuable thing the Psalms do for me is to express the same delight in God which made David dance.” Poetry has the unique power to evoke the vast and varied expanse of human emotion. And the Psalms have it all—from...
When I was in full-time ministry, I had to preach or teach as many as three times a week. I was committed to making every single sermon and lesson based on careful exegesis of God’s Word. That meant paying careful attention to the original languages...
Logos 6’s Factbook gives you instant information on biblical topics. This tool functions like an encyclopedia, pulling together all the datasets and resources from your library, then presenting powerful overviews of each topic. For example, search...
I’m Todd, one of the Logos Pros at Faithlife. I’m part of a team of expert Logos trainers whose goal it is to educate and empower you with Logos Bible Software so that you can do better Bible study. I’m excited to announce that Logos is offering...