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Understanding Faith and Works in the Book of James

Study Psalms with Dr. Moore

While much modern scholarship has tended to “despiritualize” the Psalms, this collaboration by three evangelical scholars carefully attends to the two voices of the Holy Spirit—heard infallibly in Scripture and edifyingly in the church’s response.

The Psalms as Christian Lament, a sequel to The Psalms as Christian Worship, uniquely blends verse-by-verse commentary with a history of Psalms interpretation in the church to examine 10 lament psalms, including the seven traditional penitential psalms. Though C. S. Lewis called the “imprecatory” psalms “contemptible,” Waltke, Houston, and Moore show that they too are profitable for sound doctrine and so for spiritual health.

Get The Psalms as Christian Lament today.

Keep exploring redemption

Want to learn more about redemption? Atheist-turned-clergyman Alister McGrath explores redemption in his aptly-named book, Redemption. McGrath delves into Scripture, literature, and art to examine what God has to say about redemption, and how we can live in light of that. He also offers a thoroughgoing defense of God’s existence, again drawing not only evidence from Scripture but from the beauty of creation. Redemption vividly explores the divine compassion that led God to sacrifice his only son to save a world oppressed and unable to help itself.

Get Redemption for just $13.99.

Read James in high definition

Dr. Steve Runge provides discourse-based commentary on James, featuring custom-designed slides to use in your teaching. Talented designers tailored these infographics to illustrate the key ideas of each passage, and you can export them for use in your own sermons or Bible studies. Study James like never before with Runge’s High Definition Commentary: James.

Get High Definition Commentary: James today!

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Logos Staff

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