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Tag - scholarship

On Choosing the Life of the Mind

Why, in the face of material prosperity and the endless production of greater and better goods, would anybody choose the life of the mind? I use the definite article with purpose. There are plural “lives” of intellectual priority that one might...

Welcome to HEL: ISBL/EABS 2018 Recap

This year’s joint meeting of the International Society of Biblical Literature (ISBL) and the European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) was held in Helsinki during the last few days of July and into August. Strange to say, the weather was...

The Vocation of Scholarship  

This article, originally presented orally to a group of Langham-funded Junior Scholars at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, in September 2017, was contributed by Mark W. Elliott, Professor of Historical and Biblical Theology, University of St. Andrews.

What’s Your Scholarship Story?

We ended our last scholarship winner blog post with these words: “Hopefully next time we will be able to hear your story. But we won’t hear it if you don’t first apply.” On August 10, 2011, we will select at least two new winners, one...

Billion with a B

The world has 1125 billionaires. The most common search term that brings people to our website is “seminary scholarship.” You connect the dots.

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