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Studying the Book of Hebrews? Don’t Neglect Structure.

Scholar George Guthrie discusses how understanding the structure of Hebrews helps us interpret it (0:10), and a pro-tip on setting multiple service times in Proclaim (5:05).

Study Hebrews with Dr. Guthrie

This course is the culmination of over 20 years of research and teaching on the book of Hebrews by Dr. George Guthrie. Dr. Guthrie walks you through the entire text, explaining its complex structure and navigating you through its twists and turns. You’ll learn about specific issues the first-century Church faced and see how we are still dealing with those issues today. You’ll also gain an understanding of the theological foundations laid in Hebrews. Dr. Guthrie draws from his extensive research to provide insight into the priesthood of Jesus and God’s covenant promises.

The aim of this course is that by better understanding what the text says about who Jesus is and what he’s done for us, you’ll be encouraged to live faithfully and persevere. As Dr. Guthrie states, “Your perseverance in the Christian faith will be in direct proportion to the clarity with which you see who Jesus is and what he has accomplished on our behalf!”

Get Book Study: The Letter to the Hebrews today!

Learn Greek with Discourse Greek New Testament Datasets (4 vols.)

Our understanding of the Greek New Testament is based almost entirely on English translations, but how would our understanding of the Greek text change if we read it for what it is—as Greek?  With the Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament Datasets, we can now get behind the words of the New Testament writers and discover the particular linguistic tasks that inform translation and interpretation.
The Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament Datasets identify discourse markers and perform complex discourse analysis of the entire New Testament quickly, easily, and accurately, which makes them one of the most advanced tools for studying the Greek text of the New Testament.

Get the Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament Datasets today!

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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