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Study Tips for Seminary

The seminary study tips that are important for doing well in seminary. They are taking advantage of the writing center, staying on top of reading assignments, and knowing the library well. It is important that to succeed in seminary that you stay on top of the many reading assignments. Also, if the seminary that you attend has a writing center it is necessary you use it as often as you can. When we know the library’s resources it will better prepare us for writing papers and studying for tests during seminary.
The first study tip that is important is to stay on top of reading assignments. There will be numerous reading assignments from your classes that will need to be read by a certain time. These reading assignments will be crucial to knowing the material presented to you in class. Also, you will have to balance many different reading assignments from different classes. These reading assignments that you have could be short in length or very lengthy. The various reading assignments will help you become better at balancing your time and further develop your ability to minister to different areas in ministry.
The second study tip that I would give for those entering in seminary is to find and take advantage of their school’s writing center. A school’s writing center will help you improve on certain writing concepts, style manual of the school, and bibliographic or footnoting. It is important that these concepts be shaped and formed so that your papers look the way they should when you submit them. The professor will want certain things in the paper and these concepts are important to improving your writing during your time in seminary. The writing center also will help you get to know other students that attend the seminary and gain necessary fellowship.
The last important study tip is know the library well when starting your research on papers and when studying for tests. The library has certain areas that are used for research while there is a quiet area to study. Usually there are one to three floors of the library and one specific area at the top for studying. There is one area of the library that is used for various commentaries. When doing research in the library we need to do the research first then mark the certain areas of the books that we are going to use for your paper. Lastly, it is important that we know how to check in and out books when doing research in the library.
These study tips are not an exhaustive list of tips to be used for all that attend seminary. They are the necessary tips that I feel are necessary to succeed in seminary and enjoy your time learning and growing in your faith. When we put these tips into place during our time seminary then God will grow us and prepare us for ministry.
By Luke Urban. Luke attends Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX. He graduated from TCU in 2010 and loves all things Fort Worth. He is studying to go into student ministry.

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Written by
Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

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cdbacec?s=&#;d=mm&#;r=g Written by Ryan Burns