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Tag - goingtoseminary

Asking the right questions

Most of what we learn in life is determined by the questions we bring to it. As a young seminarian, fresh out of college, I don’t have significant pastoral experience. In my classrooms are older men and women, several of them in their sixties...

Learn which rules matter

When I first arrived at seminary, they sat us all down and gave us lecture after lecture about all the rules and guidelines for graduating with our degrees. They told us the required courses, the available concentrations, and gave us tips on...

Reading novels in seminary

You have so many books to read, who can afford to read any more? That’s an excellent question, and a justification I used for burying my head in theology text after theology text. But I’ve starting asking a different question: “I...

10 Tips for Learning Biblical Greek

I do not enjoy details. I do not enjoy rigidly structured environments. I do not enjoy tedium. And as a child, I loved the open window more than I loved the chalkboard. So why then, do I enjoy taking biblical Greek? Going into my first Greek class...

The Flip Side of “Practice Makes Perfect”

Imagine a very little boy sitting on his father’s lap, watching a basketball game. The father talks with the boy about the game as they watch, telling him all sorts of things about the players and the rules and things like that. Most of these things...

Finishing For Them!

Is it worth it? The time? The money? The sacrifices? Those were just a few of the questions running through my head and heart as I stood over the washing machine a number of years ago moving a load into the dryer. It was not a good season in many...

5 Tips for Learning Biblical Greek & Hebrew

Learning the biblical languages can be very discouraging and frustrating. Studies and experience have shown that this is the most difficult aspect of theological training for students over the centuries. Many theologians have come to believe that a...

Good Seminarians, Good Husbands

In the beginning of seminary, I felt like more of a distraction than a priority. If I needed to talk to my sem hub (seminary husband) about something, I tried to wait until his mind was not occupied with his work, but found those moments few and far...

Sharpening your skills

During seminary, you’ll develop a unique set of skills. You’ll be able to parse every Greek verb in the New Testament, list the minor prophets in canonical and chronological order, create Turabian or APA style footnotes in a flash, and...

Six Side Jobs for Seminarians

Seminary doesn’t pay for itself, nor does the rent. But, what jobs are best to balance the study load and the budget? After talking with some seminarians, here are six ideas to get you started finding a job to help support your study habits. 1...

Teaching the Word in the Spirit

I read a book called Out of Context by Richard Schultz last semester for a seminary class. The author goes through common exegetical and interpretive mistakes in teaching the Bible, including those that famous preachers or authors have made, and...

Anxious about Preaching Classes

If you are like me, then the thought of preaching or even speaking in public has been a life-long fear. Maybe you feel called to attend seminary but are worried about the class called “Homiletics.” Maybe you’ve even said to yourself, “How can I get...

Making Time for Your Marriage in Seminary

A young man working in the ministry is asked to visit an up and coming church. When he enters the church he is greeted by a group of men and their spouses. The young man looks around, asking some questions, trying to get a feel for the place...

Three Essential Tools for Seminary Students

Some things just make life much easier. Air conditioning. Dish washers. Indoor plumbing. We often forget how difficult life can be without them. I’m here to give you some helpful tips on making your seminary work much easier. Now, seminary can have...

Surrendering in Seminary

The great greatest personal change I have experienced during my time in seminary is to daily surrender to God. Before seminary I went to a summer discipleship program a year or two ago. The program helped change me and I was able to see how to daily...

Budgeting in Seminary

An important concept to know while in seminary is to live on a seminary budget. This involves personal examination, time, dedication, and fortitude. When you live on a seminary budget, it is important you make sure you are spending money on the...

Dating while in seminary

The area of dating is tricky enough without adding the individual specifics of being a seminary student into the mix. Upon arrival my first day of classes my freshman year, I discovered a whole new realm of possibilities as far as dating goes. It...

Being a Seminarian in a Christian Community

“By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” — John 13:35 Some say that they don’t go to church because Christians are hypocrites. We could easily respond and say that we are all hypocrites to one...

Seminary Tips, Hacks, and Advice

Life in seminary can be hard. Even if we’re single and have a sweet financial set-up that leaves us free to focus on our studies without having to work, its still hard. But let’s be honest, most of us, details aside, aren’t in a place in life where...

The First Shall Be Last

Going to Seminary is an obvious step towards our calling. Being part of God’s harvest and furthering His Kingdom on earth is such a privilege to be part of and the workers are few. Going to Seminary is a unique calling on one’s life. We leave in two...

Saving the Bible from Seminary

My one year at the first seminary I attended was perhaps the most formative time of theological change in my life. The seminary itself was in the midst of a redefinition and realigning of its commitments and leanings, and so points and counterpoints...

Some Thoughts on Rhythm and Life

Do you have any rituals? My roommate gets up most every morning at around the same time, goes for a run, makes a French press of coffee and sits out our kitchen table and reads his giant red-leather study Bible and journals for a long time after. I...

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