Search results for - sermon resources


New: Rent Logos Resources

We’re excited to announce our brand-new rental program. Now you can choose from seven resources to rent for a low monthly or yearly price and renew for as long as you’d like! Here are a few reasons Logos rentals are awesome: If you’re on the...

Making Last-Minute Sermon Prep Awesome

It’s 6:10 p.m. I have 20 minutes to finish my weekly sermon for a service that begins at 7 p.m. My sermon includes a bit about ancient culture, a few major points I want people to remember, and some questions I hope the congregation will ponder. But...

Building a Sermon with Logos 5

It’s Saturday night, and your preaching pastor or Sunday school teacher is sick / has a family emergency / is on a plane to Hawaii. And now you’re suddenly teaching in the morning. What do you do? I’m going to show you how to build a memorable...

10 Powerful Resources for Lent

For those who follow the Western church calendar, today is Ash Wednesday—the beginning of Lent. Lent is a season of preparation that traditionally includes penitence, prayer and fasting, and culminates in the celebration of Easter. In addition to my...


Today’s guest post is from Morris Proctor, certified and authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software. Morris has trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos training seminars. is a website containing thousands...

How to Plan a Pastoral Hospital Visit

Showing kindness to the sick from a distance—paying bills, meal trains—is surely not wrong, but what is interesting about the biblical command to visit the sick is the emphasis Scripture places on embodied presence. I was hungry and you gave me...

How to Lead a Bible Study for Men

There are many good reasons to start a Bible study for men. They include growth in understanding and applying the Bible, mutually encouraging relationships, and ultimately lives pleasing to God that have an impact for his glory. In short, getting...

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