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Glance inside the Pastorum Series Collection

Enrich your preaching and enhance your sermon and worship planning with the Logos Pastorum Series. Now available as a seven-volume collection at a great price, the Pastorum Series collection will save you 23 percent off the regular price. We can’t begin to tell how much time it will save you.

The Pastorum Series offers pastors two types of resources: sourcebooks and sermon helps.

The sourcebooks, 300 Quotations for Preachers and 400 Prayers for Preachers, make it easy for you to find an appropriate prayer or quotation to use during a service or for any number of other occasions. Here’s a look at what you’ll find in the Quotations volume. The Prayers volume is organized in the same way.

 The Necessity of Depending on God

Genesis 17:1; Psalm 62:7; Isaiah 50:10; Hosea 12:6

Preaching Theme: Faith

“There is no other method of living piously and justly, than that of depending upon God.”—John Calvin

“Jesus Is Our Divinest Symbol”

Colossians 1:15–17

Preaching Theme: Jesus

“Jesus is our divinest symbol. Higher has the human thought not yet reached. A symbol of quite perennial, infinite character: whose significance will ever demand to be anew inquired into and anew made manifest.”—Thomas Carlyle

The sermon helps, the Study, Apply, Share series, empower you to jumpstart your sermon- and worship-planning process. They go through a biblical book passage by passage, prompting you with questions to dig deeper into the text and helping you make the most of your Logos library through links to relevant discussions. Application points, worship service ideas, and professionally designed slides make it easy for you to share information on words and themes in that book. Let’s take a look at the Study and Apply sections of Luke 5:12–16:

Luke 5:12–16


  • What is leprosy, and what cultural stigma did it carry?
    • Luke 5:12 | The New American Commentary: Luke
  • What does the leper’s posture and address tell us about his view of Jesus?
    • Luke 5:12 | Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Luke 1:1–9:50
  • Why is it significant that Jesus touched the leper before He healed him?
    • Luke 5:13 | Holman New Testament Commentary: Luke
  • Why did Jesus charge the man to stay silent about his cleansing?
    • Luke 5:14 | The Interpretation of St. Luke’s Gospel


Preaching Theme: God’s Mercy

Leprosy was a painful disease that rendered a person ceremonially unclean. Jesus’ compassion led Him to touch this leper and heal him, restoring his health as well as his status in the community. Do you see others’ pain? May God open our eyes to see when others are hurting, and let us put our compassion into action by helping them.

Preaching Theme: Jesus’ Miracles

The leper showed that he trusted in Jesus by falling on his face before Him. He acknowledged Jesus’ ability to make him clean and Jesus’ right to exercise that ability. Sometimes Christians wrongly assume that God only worked miracles during biblical times. Do you believe that God still performs miracles? Let us follow the leper’s example by approaching the Lord and saying, “If you are willing, you can.”


Preaching Theme: God’s Mercy

Worship Service Idea: Consider holding an interview in front of the congregation with a member who exhibits compassion.

Preaching Theme: Jesus’ Miracles

Worship Service Idea: Consider a short drama or skit that depicts Jesus’ miracle of healing the leper.

The Pastorum Series collection includes the following titles:

Get the complete series now.

Written by
Elliot Ritzema

Elliot Ritzema is an editor at Lexham Press and a master of sacred theology student at Nashotah House Theological Seminary. He is the editor of Lexham's Spurgeon Commentary series. He has a master's of divinity degree from Regent College in Vancouver, BC, and an undergraduate degree in journalism from the University of Richmond. See Elliot's 11 favorite books featured in our On the Shelf series.

Elliot on Logos

"I use Logos for sermon prep, writing projects, and personal study. With the library I’ve curated over the years, I find search results are much more useful and reliable than searching the Internet." —Elliot Ritzema

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Written by Elliot Ritzema