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The Importance of Places in Acts

Have you ever wondered why Luke chose to record a nearly endless list of places in the book of Acts? The answer is in his Gospel’s opening words, spoken by the risen Christ: “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to...

Search Over 17,000 Sermons in Seconds

There’s so much to be gleaned from the sermons of other preachers and teachers. They provide not only theological insight but a sense of how to deliver the biblical message to real people living in the real world. This week’s video introduces you to...

The God of Covenantal Relationship

The God of Scripture is always forming “covenants” with his creation. And he is faithful to his covenants—even when his creatures are not. In this week’s video, we will research the idea of covenant and observe places in the Bible where God acts in...

7 Bible Verses on Atonement

atonement [ uh–tohn-muhnt ] Also called: Expiation, Propitiation Reconciliation between God and humanity, specifically through Jesus’ death. Top Bible Verses about Atonement 1. Leviticus 16:29–34 “And this shall be a lasting...

Reflecting on the Word

Logos Mobile Education is always developing new and helpful ways to use technology to equip the church to grow in the light of the Bible. With over two hundred courses available, education is our major strength. We love seeing people grow and...

Reflecting on the Word

Logos Mobile Education is always developing new and helpful ways to use technology to equip the church to grow in the light of the Bible. With over two hundred courses available, education is our major strength. We love seeing people grow and...

Why We Need Christian Artists

Dr. Darrell Bock speaks briefly about his Mobile Ed course on studying the Bible, then Reuben Evans interviews Dr. Craig Bartholomew about the important role of Christian artists. Study the Bible with Dr. Darrell Bock Dr. Darrell Bock, one of the...

2 Ways to Be Human, According to Paul

Explore “the other worldview” with Dr. Peter Jones According to Peter Jones, all the religions and philosophies of the world can be divided into two basic worldviews. These two perspectives differ on the fundamental nature of reality. Is...

Resolve to Apply the Bible This Year

The New Year is a great time to recommit to the daily study of God’s Word. Reading the Bible and digging into its message is one of the best resolutions anyone can make. As you commit to this endeavor for 2018, equally dedicate yourself to applying...

You Already Own the Best Discipleship Manual

If you want to personally train someone else in Christianity, what discipleship curriculum is at the top of your list? I urge you to consider a resource you already own: the Gospel According to Matthew. Matthew’s overarching objective in his Gospel...

Introducing the New Logos Mobile App

When you’re reading Scripture, sometimes you want a clean, undistracted look at God’s Word. Other times, you need to go a level deeper: glance at a commentary, do a word study, compare biblical passages, or even dig into the Greek or Hebrew. Now you...

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