How Working Hard Fits into Our Faith

Keep learning with Dr. Sanders

Dr. Sanders is well liked by his students for his down-to-earth presentation of Bible doctrine. Students quickly learn that he enjoys talking about theology and has a quick wit. Among his strengths as a lecturer are his ability to distill information to essential elements, as well as his good-natured way of fairly explaining differences in theological positions. Dr. Sanders has a keen interest in urban ministry and has served for many years in racially diverse urban congregations. His interest in local-church experience helps him practice theology in ways that reflect the diversity present in the body of Christ. He strives to make theology interesting and practical.

Browse all courses by Dr. Sanders.

Explore the theology of work

A Theology of Work explores and investigates the theological implications of the nature, meaning, and value of human work. Through dialogue with Moltmann, Pope John Paul II, and others, this book develops a genitive “theology of work,” presenting a theological definition of work and a model for a theological ethics of work that shows work’s nature, value, and meaning both now and eschatologically. Work is shown to be a transformative activity consisting of three dynamically inter-related dimensions: the instrumental, relational and ontological.

John Jefferson Davis calls it “a substantial new contribution to the field.”

Get A Theology of Work: Work and the New Creation today.

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Logos Staff

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