New: Mobile Ed’s Discipleship Training Bundle

Part of living the Christian life is discipling others. In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded his disciples to go and “make disciples” (Matt. 28:19).

This is an intimidating mandate. When we’re still in the process of growing in our walk with Jesus (which is always), we may not feel adequate enough to walk alongside someone else and help them grow. We may be held back by questions like, “What if I can’t answer their questions?” or “What if I don’t have the insight they need?” Mobile Ed’s three-course Discipleship Training Bundle was designed to help Christians answer those questions and to disciple effectively.

In ED101 Introducing Discipleship, Dr. Greg Ogden, author of the book Discipleship Essentials, looks at the idea of discipleship in the Bible and covers how to go about the discipleship process, providing practical steps for implementing a disciple-making strategy in your church. In PC151 Theology of Everyday Life, Dr. Dan Doriani looks at what the Bible says about everyday aspects of life, which will help you answer questions about work and your “calling,” food and the body, play and rest, and more. In BI181 Introducing Bible Translations, Dr. Mark Strauss helps you understand the translation philosophies behind the different versions of the Bible. You’ll learn how each brings out different aspects of the original languages. The next time someone asks you, “Which translation should I use?” you’ll have an educated answer.

These courses will help equip you to disciple others. You’ll be better prepared to come alongside someone, answer their questions, and grow with them.

Order the Discipleship Training Bundle today, or get it for free (along with Dr. Darrell Bock’s BI100 Learn to Study the Bible course) as one of Logos 6’s introductory offers.

Written by
Miles Custis

Miles Custis is the Manager of Instructional Media at Faithlife.

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Written by Miles Custis
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