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What People Are Saying about Logos 8

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Canvas is eye candy. I can almost taste Scripture as I stare at this beautiful interface.” — Pieter J. Kotze

These are the kinds of comments that keep rolling in about Logos 8.
We are thrilled with how people are responding because it means Logos 8 is helping them dig deeper and more accurately into Scripture—which is exactly what we were going for.

Here are some other kind words we’ve heard.

On upgrades

Logos 8 is the best upgrade so far.” — Richard Page, Logos customer

Logos 8 is an impressive upgrade. Great for sermon work, personal devotion, and research.
— Justin Holcomb, Episcopal priest, professor & author

There’s so much packed into […] Logos 8. From the completely redesigned Home Page to new guides, workflows, updated notes, and the incredibly helpful canvas interface, it’s everything that you’ve grown to love from Logos Bible Software, but with brand new and remarkably helpful features.
— Jason Brueckner, Brave Daily

On libraries

The base package libraries are the best Logos has ever offered, so for book lovers, those libraries alone are reason enough to upgrade.
— Andy Naselli, professor of New Testament, theology, and ethics at Bethlehem College & Seminary

On performance

I have a pretty big library (10,000+ books) . . . I was a bit skeptical when I saw advertised 10x faster search results, but I have to say, in my initial tests—it is quite impressive! GREAT JOB ON THIS UPDATE!
— Chris K, Logos customer

Personally, I think Logos 8 is a quantum leap in Bible study software that takes full advantage of modern interface techniques and allows great personalization options.
— Stephen Rybacki

L8 seems more ‘snappy.’” — Mike Tourangeau

Logos 8 loads lightning fast.
— Jeremy Myers, Redeeming God

I’m super excited. . . . I’ve always used Logos. I’ve been using it for years, but I may use it even more now because it’s more efficient.
— Jason Mayfield, Grace For Life

On new features

I LOVE Workflows. I could go on, but all I’d be doing is repeating myself over and over again.  I love workflows, I love workflows, I love workflows . . .
— Cynthia, Logos customer

The new Workflows will be a HUGE help in my studies, as will the new Notes [system] which seems to absolutely solve my issues with note-taking and highlighting in Logos 7. Perhaps most impressive is that new web app, which (so far at least) seems identical to the program proper. Nice job folks.
— Stephen Rybacki, Logos customer

I like the new features of Logos 8. Canvas is interesting and I can see a lot of different ways to use it. I like the filter tools a lot—they are great for finding your documents fast and easy. The Notes tool will make it easier to create and find notes. The Workflows are great for speeding up study, and I love that you can customize the tools. [. . . ] I highly recommend Logos 8 for any serious student of God’s Word.
— Bible Buying Guide

Great job! Just playing with search templates, and they are brilliant.” — Mike Tourangeau

I am beyond excited for the new Theology Guide feature! Would upgrade for this alone.” — Orville J. Erickson


I use Logos Bible Software for course design, sermon preparation, preparing journal articles, and writing books. Logos 8 will now provide an even greater platform for research, writing, study, and devotion. If you are a theological student, a pastor, a postgraduate student, or you are merely a devout and serious student of the Holy Bible (and good books), you will certainly want to get or upgrade to Logos 8 . . . [It] now makes the best even better.” — Michael Milton, founder and president of Faith for Living, Inc.

It’s hard to imagine a Bible geek not loving this tool . . . It’s the coolest gadget I own.
— Jeffrey Kranz, Overview Bible


Explore Logos 8 for yourself to see why people are raving about it, or call one of our Resource Expert at 800-875-6467 for more personal assistance.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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