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Understanding Caesar’s Role in Luke’s Infancy Narrative

Kristen Tetteh talks about what motivates the developers of Faithlife Proclaim (0:10), and Dr. David deSilva discusses Caesar Augustus’ role in Luke’s infancy narrative (4:30).

Learn about the cultural world of the New Testament with Dr. David deSilva

Join Dr. David deSilva as he describes important cultural concepts from the first century and shows how these concepts shed light on the New Testament. Learn why the author of 1 Peter spoke to the shame Christians were experiencing and what cultural norms they had to fight against as they sought to follow Christ. Discover how grace and gratitude were viewed differently than they are today. Learn what purity meant for Jews, how patronage and reciprocity impacted everyday decisions, how families and households operated, and more. Dr. deSilva pulls from a variety of sources to explain these concepts and uses the books of Hebrews and 1 Peter to illustrate them.

This course will give you a better understanding of the environment early Christians were in as they broke the rules of society for the sake of the gospel.

Get NT 201 The Cultural World of the New Testament now.

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Logos Staff

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