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The Greek Powerhouse Your Study is Missing

Let’s talk about Greek. And what you need to master it. To gain fluency.

Study. Years of hard labor bent over grammars and ancient texts. Speaking Ancient Greek with strangers on Skype. Dreaming in Koine.

Right. Perhaps mastery at that level isn’t a priority. Exegesis is.

Good. Then I want your participation in a project, one that will facilitate your exegesis.

The Brill Greek Reference Collection is a high-level academic powerhouse for anybody working in this, the language of the gods, the philosophers, Josephus, the New Testament.

This 5-volume collection is currently in pre-pub, and includes both:

  • The 3-volume Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics
  • The 2-volume Etymological Dictionary of Greek

I highly recommend that you add these elite resources to your digital research library. To posses them in hardcover sounds lovely, but, really?

Don’t let the Brill Greek Reference Collection molder on your shelf, become a display piece, sold off in a garage sale when you die.

Possess the fully functional, fully searchable powerhouse in its absolutely best format: in your Logos digital research library.

Keep your bookshelves for Harry Potter.

The pre-pub price of the Brill Greek Reference Collection is currently $499.99, compared to the retail digital price of $899.99 and the retail print price of $1,709.

I’ll let you do the math, but those are huge savings. Take advantage.

And help get this powerful collection to publication today.

Written by
Tavis Bohlinger

Dr. Tavis Bohlinger is the Creative Director at Reformation Heritage Books. He holds a PhD from Durham University and writes across multiple genres, including academia, poetry, and screenwriting. He lives in Grand Rapids with his wife and three children.

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Written by Tavis Bohlinger