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Talk to Us: Take the Logos Talk Survey

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Update: the survey is currently closed because we received the number of responses we were seeking. But your feedback still matters to us. Please use the comment section to tell us any of the following:

  • What you like about the blog
  • What you’d like to see more of
  • What areas of biblical/theological stories you are most interested in

Thank you for your time,

Hi there.

Would you take a minute to tell me about yourself?

My name is Matt, and I oversee the Logos Talk blog. I’ve designed a short survey to get a better feel for who you are and what you enjoy reading, and I’ll use the results to make this blog more relevant to you.

Would you take a brief moment to answer some questions? All questions are optional, so you can skip any if you are in a rush.

Take the survey. 

Thanks for your time,

If the survey appears odd below, take the survey in a better view.

Create your own user feedback survey

Photo by Joseph Gruenthal on Unsplash

Brandmark x
Written by
Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Brandmark x Written by Logos Staff