The apostle Paul uses the seemingly paradoxical phrase “spiritual body” in 1 Corinthians 15 when explaining what will happen to believers’ bodies at the resurrection. In this same discourse, he also claims that there are many kinds of flesh...
Learn what the ascension of Jesus is, why it is called the ascension, what Jesus's last words were before he ascended, and more.
As Christians, we affirm that the Bible, made up of the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God. Much to no one’s surprise, non-Christians do not hold the same view. Many have challenged this foundational Christian belief, claiming that...
The doctrine of the resurrection has drastic implications for life here and now. If Christ was resurrected on the third day, then there are necessary truths that follow which should seriously impact one’s worldview. This article discusses how the...
Today is Good Friday, and Christians around the world are remembering Christ’s death, caused by our sin. This year on the blog, we featured a five-week family Easter Bible study written especially for families. We posted one Easter Bible Study each...
More people go to church on Easter than any other day of the year, and churches around the world are already preparing for more visitors—whether online or in person. There are plenty of ways to ensure your Easter service is great, but what about the...
Read The Last Supper: Family Easter Bible Study—Week 1. Read Jesus on Trial before Pilate: Family Easter Bible Study—Week 2. We’re entering the Easter season, and Christians around the world are remembering Christ’s death, caused by our sin. But we...
“Is this something we do?” I remember asking when I first heard the word “Lent.” Even though my father is Catholic, I grew up in a Protestant house where Lent, Ash Wednesday, and fasting were as exotic as Rome, the pope, and crucifixes. It wasn’t...
In this excerpt from Suffering & Glory: Meditations for Holy Week and Easter, J. I. Packer takes readers on a journey with Jesus on the Emmaus road and explores how like the two disciples, we too can find help in our time of need.* *** On Friday...
In this Faithlife Live webinar, hear from Mike Licona, who will discuss why reading the Gospels as first-century biographies of Jesus that conform to the literary conventions of that era explains why they often tell the same story differently. Mike...
"Thus, the physical body that goes into the ground when buried is the physical body that will be raised up out of the ground one day, albeit changed"
In this Faithlife Live webinar, hear from Dr. Gary Habermas about a topic that has amazed, delighted, and bewildered Christians for centuries—the resurrection of Christ—along with an exploration of death and near-death experiences. Dr. Habermas is a...
This post is adapted from The Bedrock of Christianity: The Unalterable Facts of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection by Justin W. Bass. *** The earliest followers of Jesus did not just claim that Jesus rose from the dead but that his resurrection was the...
The Christian faith is full of profound truths that defy human understanding. These grand mysteries point us to God’s greatness and goodness and, when contemplated, evoke awe and worship. At the center of our celebration of Easter are two of these...
Craig Evans writes, "The resurrection of Jesus, which includes the story of his death and burial, is consistent with all known evidence and makes very good sense of the narratives that the four New Testament Gospels give us. It is therefore...
Mobile Ed’s new Activities resource gives you two new ways to experience our courses. If you’re the kind of Mobile Ed student who likes to simply sit back and watch through the videos and skim the transcripts, we’ve streamlined that process...
Easter Sunday is coming up this week, and churches all over the world will be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection is the central event of the New Testament—an event that is still transforming the world and calling for a...
Ash Wednesday marks the first of 40 days that many in the church spend praying, reflecting, and fasting, culminating in the celebration of the risen Christ on Easter. Here are four selections from Faithlife staff to encourage you as you...
For your Lent devotional readings, pick up a copy of 40 Days to the Cross: Reflections from Great Thinkers for just $4.95. The Gospel writers of the New Testament show Jesus spending 40 days in the wilderness, fasting, and being tempted by Satan...
It would have been hard to get through 2012 without hearing or seeing the acronym YOLO (You Only Live Once). The term regularly trended on Twitter, showed up in Facebook news feeds, and quickly became part of the pop culture vernacular. Like a...
What Happened to Peter? Like Steve Runge, I identify with Peter. Not only am I encouraged by Peter’s missteps, foibles, and failures, but I’m also challenged by the post-resurrection dynamo that Peter becomes. For Peter, Jesus’...
The last week of Jesus’ life is also known as Holy Week. On the first day of the week prior to Jesus’ crucifixion, he and his disciples entered Jerusalem and spent the night in Bethany (Mark 11:11). Jesus knew that he would be arrested...