More people go to church on Easter than any other day of the year, and churches around the world are already preparing for more visitors—whether online or in person. There are plenty of ways to ensure your Easter service is great, but what about the...
Today’s post continues Logos Talk’s Christmas Bible study. Check back throughout December for more ways to study the birth of Jesus! The angel Gabriel is one of the prominent characters in the Nativity narrative. He’s remembered as the angel who...
Jesus lived. Jesus died. Jesus rose. Jesus left for heaven. I grew up hearing all about the first three acts of this story and what they mean for Christ, the redeemed, and the lost. But his ascension is important, too! And although it didn’t take...
Sometimes I wonder if God is setting me up to fail. Do you? When you read a passage like 1 Corinthians 5:7–8, do you wonder if God’s asking you to do something you cannot? “Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in...
We love helping people get into the Word. Every time someone gives us a shout-out, it tells us that we’re on the right track. That goes for prominent Christians and everyday users alike. Like Jayson said a few weeks ago, every single endorsement...
Whether you’re studying the Old Testament, researching Middle Eastern history, or taking a trip to the Holy Land, you’re sure to come across talk of the 12 tribes of Israel. But what are the 12 tribes of Israel, and how do we find out? It’s a good...
Tools like the Bible Word Study, the Exegetical Guide, and Morph Search make it easy to explore the biblical text, but there’s one new tool in Logos 5 that gets you even closer to word meanings—instantly. It’s the Bible Sense Lexicon, and it’s going...
NOTICE: The launch period for Logos 5 has ended. But don’t worry—we have lots of exciting sales planned this year! Recently upgrade to Logos 5? Join us in the forums, and tell us about your favorite features. You have one hour. After that...
“How am I going to handle this one?” If you lead any sort of church small group or Bible study, you ask yourself this question all the time: My pastor preached on gender roles—how am I going to handle this in group discussion? We’re supposed to...
The word “lemma” shows up everywhere in original-language books and tools, including Logos 5 features—but what is a lemma? Obviously, it’s a key concept when it comes to digging deeper in Bible study. So What Is a Lemma, Anyway? A lemma is the...
We’re really sorry about the mess. We admit it: things got confusing, difficult, and downright weird with Logos 5. We introduced all-new base packages with new names and prices. The website crashed. We threw in a completely new custom discount...
Today’s post continues Logos Talk’s Christmas Bible study. Check back throughout December for more ways to study the birth of Jesus! As he details the birth of Jesus, Matthew references several prophets and prophecies without mentioning their names:...
You’ve probably noticed the newest member of the base package family: Logos 5 Diamond. It’s a huge library that stands in the gap between Platinum and Portfolio, but it’s more than just our second-biggest base package: Logos 5 Diamond is one of the...
Today’s post continues Logos Talk’s Christmas Bible study. Check back throughout December for more ways to study the birth of Jesus! You probably remember the first time someone told you about doing Bible study by looking at Greek and Hebrew, the...
Christmas is coming, and we’re all excited to celebrate the Lord Jesus Christ's coming to dwell among us. But how many of our ideas about Christ's birth come from the Bible, and how many from Christmas carols, TV specials, nativity scenes, and the...
Logos 5 isn’t the only thing that’s new this month—our website's updated, too. You’ve seen our blurb about the Custom Upgrade Discount Calculator at the bottom of every Logos 5 blog post thus far (including this one) telling you about special...
When it comes to studying the Bible, I always want to go deeper. My problem: I’m no Greek or Hebrew scholar. That’s one of the reasons I get so excited every time I open Logos. So much original-language research is done for me, I can instantly...
Last week was a bit of a blur for lots of us at Logos, but one thing is clear: everyone’s excited about Logos 5. So excited that had to add two new Web servers after we crashed Thursday morning, and even then, we could barely keep up with...
Faithlife is where Christian community happens online. There’s no place quite like it for sharing life with other believers. You keep up with friends on Facebook. You manage your messages with email. If you have a band, you (might) still be on...
A good study Bible will have millions of words, thousands of study notes, and lots of maps, timelines, charts, and more. But all those pages add up; there’s only so much you can put in a printed study Bible. That’s not an issue anymore, though. The...
Knox Theological Seminary and Logos Bible Software have teamed up to provide the one-of-a-kind Doctor of Ministry in Preaching and Teaching—the optimal degree for deepening your knowledge of Scripture and advancing your ministry to new heights...
Run a Google search for “graduation gift ideas” and you’ll find all kinds of stuff: T-shirts, jewelry, picture frames, personalized candy tins—plenty of neat trinkets. Unfortunately for grads that plan to enter vocational ministry, these have...
Kirkdale Is Looking for New Authors Kirkdale Press, a new publishing imprint from Logos, is specifically seeking out Christian storytellers in fiction and nonfiction genres. You wrote a mysterious spiritual thriller? Send it to Kirkdale. You’ve got...
Ever wonder how a doctorate degree could enhance your ministry? A doctor of ministry is the go-to degree for people already ministering at churches and on the mission field. DMin curricula include lots of lengthy written assignments, stacks and...