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Tag - preaching

Do Your Sermons Sound Angry?

You may never have asked yourself this question before, but do your sermons sound angry? *** There is a temptation in every preacher to begin and end every sermon with correction. Didn’t Paul tell us in 2 Timothy 3:16 that “all Scripture is God...

Preach to One Person at a Time

Many of us are familiar with the passage in Luke 15. It’s the Parable of the Lost Sheep. It goes like this: Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear him. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man...

Sermon Preparation Is 20 Hours of Prayer

An excerpt on sermon preparation and prayer by Matthew Kim, adapted from Preaching Points: 55 Tips for Improving Your Pulpit Ministry. It’s something that we all know in our minds. We’ve considered it. But it’s often difficult to put into practice...

Not Every Sermon Is Worth Hearing

By Lucas O’Neill, author of Preaching to Be Heard Many sermons are like meals from typical fast-food chains—flavor at the expense of nutrition. It’s easy, fast, cheap, and tastes addictively good. Your We begin with the text and we surrender the...

Every Good Sermon Has These 3 Qualities

What makes a sermon good? Sometimes when people think about preaching, they think about a bunch of rules (i.e., there are three things that go into an introduction; the ways in which you make a good outline; if you are going to use illustrations...

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