In the ancient world—as for most time since—the gospel of Christ was primarily spread by verbal proclamation, i.e., preaching, and in those days there was no shortage of gifted preachers. Among the pre-modern sermons of which we have record, John...
Genesis 3:8 is a familiar verse in a familiar story: Adam and Eve have sinned, and now, in the cool of the day, they hear the sound of the Lord God walking in the Garden. Afraid, they hide among the trees.
As a kid growing up in Georgia, my school used to take field trips every year to the Savannah Science Museum. I loved it! We’d run through a two-story replica of the human heart, peer into terrariums of exotic snakes, and lift massive weights using...
"If we truly believe that the church is one body, then we ought to be aware of what is happening in the rest of the world. After all, our scholarship ought to serve the Church and society. This is the concept of unity in diversity and the...
"Like the Second Generation of Israel, Jesus's covenant obedience would lead to an inheritance of the promise of God, but like Adam, his inheritance could be passed down to the entire nation."
Brevard Childs and Julius Wellhausen are two of my intellectual heroes. But they do not get along—so to speak.
An editor once told me I could not say that a certain contemporary theologian “channeled” Jonathan Edwards. It felt too New-Agey to him. Usually I accept 100% of an editor’s suggested changes. I feel safer that way. But this time I protested. I felt...
One of the things I enjoy telling people in conversations about Bible study is that “if it’s weird, it’s important.” Numbers 5:11–31 certainly qualifies in both respects. The strangeness of the passage is easily detectable, but only careful Bible...
The first reviews of The Unseen Realm have been posted and the consensus is overwhelmingly positive. People are raving about the astounding insights found in the book and the accessibility of the writing. Laymen and academics alike have shared their...
The Gospels are central to the Bible. Their description of the birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus provide the very foundation of Christianity, and this importance is underlined by the fact that there are four separate Gospel accounts...
It‘s all too easy to read Scripture as if it was written yesterday. But when we read the Bible through a modern lens, we open ourselves up to major misinterpretation. If we want to understand the Bible, we need to see it through the eyes of someone...
When we read something, that information is filtered through our own experiences and culture. This is no less true when we read the Bible. Our worldviews are important, but we rarely get a chance to see the Bible from another perspective. Because of...
I have always enjoyed collections of inspiring quotations, but finding the right quotation is not always easy. Whether I’m looking for something relating to a topic or a to Bible passage, I often find that I miss good content because I’m not sure...