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What to Do When Scholars Disagree? Consult These Exegetical Summaries.

What do you do when your biblical commentaries contradict one another? And what if two lexicons seem to support opposing translations? Responsible biblical interpretation requires listening to a range of voices, understanding relevant literature, digging into the text, and coming to your own conclusions.

But weeding through thousands of pages on a particular passage isn’t just impractical, it’s impossible (unless you have years to spare). Not only is it a drain on your time, it’s not good stewardship of the precious few hours you have each week for in-depth study or sermon prep.

You can’t dive deep into every interpretation, but you can get a balanced understanding of the range of possibilities.

Cut through the noise with exegetical summaries

The Exegetical Summaries Series (27 volumes) summarizes and organizes content from every major Bible commentary and dozens of lexicons so you can go straight to the heart of the text. You’ll identify exegetical challenges, discover a text’s interpretive history, and survey the scope of everything written about each verse and phrase. Swiftly compare commentaries and lexicons and identify where there’s scholarly consensus or disagreement.

And with the Logos edition, your exegesis is taken to the next level. When a summary mentions a commentary already in your Logos library, it’s easy to jump straight to the full discussion. Scripture references are linked to Greek and Hebrew texts as well as English translations, and the full power of Logos Bible Software—Bible Word Studies, Passage Guide reports, the Sermon Editor—are just a few clicks away.

Get the complete series now.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff