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Providing Context with the IVP New Testament Studies Collection

We often find ourselves reading through the New Testament paying little heed to context. Many times we are so focused on Scriptural application, we trudge through the Bible without fully grasping the import of contextual information. Sound exegesis and application, however, rely on having a working understanding of the cultural framework of key biblical events.

The second verse in First Corinthians begins with the words, “To the church of God that is in Corinth.” So much of the context of First Corinthians is summed up in those nine simple words. How much more enlightening would it be if we were able to approach this epistle with a greater understanding of the background and social life of Corinth?

What can we learn about the first century church by understanding the society from which it emerged? What social, cultural, or religious practices caused conflict in the early church? What were Corinth’s ethical and theological perspectives? What was life like for a first century Christian living at the crossroad where orthodox Judaism,  Hellenistic Judaism, and Greco-Roman society met?

These are precisely the kinds of questions that The IVP New Testament Studies Collection (15 vols.) answers. The IVP New Testament Study Collection brings you various socio-rhetorical analyses of the New Testament. Presented by some of the finest contemporary evangelical New Testament scholars, this collection is sure to give you an educated perspective on the lives of the first Christian believers.

The fifteen volume IVP New Testament Studies Collection not only goes far and beyond the basic information given to you within the New Testament, but also relies on historical documents and ancient texts to bring you the most clarity in understanding the context of each book.

Aside from knowledge on the lives of the early believers, you will discover the historical evidence and contemporary relevance of the New Testament. Books like Is the New Testament Reliable?  and The Making of the New Testament: Origin, Collection, Text, and Canon provide insight into how the New Testament Scriptures were written, compiled, and passed down to us and why they are infinitely trustworthy. You also get Dean Fleming’s Contextualization in the New Testament which looks deeply at how the early church contextualized the gospel for cultures they were ministering to. This knowledge greatly improves our ability to communicate the gospel message to a postmodern culture.

InterVarsity Press is known for providing engaging and thoughtful scholarship which is academic while still being accessible. Theological students, pastors, teachers, and thoughtful laypeople will all benefit from the perspective of these helpful resources.

Having these studies at your fingertips will provide the context and framework needed to take your New Testament Bible study deeper.

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Logos Staff

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Written by Logos Staff