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Cynthia Heald Collection on Characteristics of a Godly Woman


How can I love as Jesus loved? Does being a woman of faith mean I can’t ever have doubts? How can I have freedom when I’m constantly busy?

cynthia heald collectionChances are most of us have thought about questions similar to these. The 13-volume Cynthia Heald Collection, now on Pre-Pub, addresses these types of questions with Bible studies that are full of Scripture and discussion questions that guide you to discovering God’s perspective on who women are designed to be.

Of the thirteen titles in this collection, nine are part of the Becoming a Woman of . . . series. These nine titles discuss several characteristics of a godly woman including prayer, grace, simplicity, and purpose.

In each of these Bible studies, you can explore biblical references, ponder quotes from authors like C. S. Lewis and Charles Spurgeon, find verses for Scripture memory that pertain to the topic, and read about real-life trials on the characteristic of the study. Discussion questions found throughout the study will prompt you to dig deeper into the Scripture and personally reflect on your own life.

Great for individual or group study! Each book has eleven chapters that can easily be used for eleven sessions for group or individual study.

Also included in this great collection are two devotionals and two Bible study books addressing marriage and the purpose and role of a godly wife. All thirteen titles will equip readers to personally apply and strengthen the characteristics discussed in each book.

With the Cynthia Heald Collection (13 vols.) on Pre-Pub, you get each title for under $6, so be sure to check it out now!

Written by
Deni Avant
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Written by Deni Avant