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A Powerful Commentary on Titus

Though one of the shortest books of the New Testament, Titus is packed with vital instructions on the qualifications of church leaders, the importance of sound doctrine, and how to live a godly life.

In Living Doctrine: The Book of Titus, author Daniel Akin presents a scholarly and exegetical work on the book of Titus with the readability and warmth of a devotional study. For a limited time, when you order Living Doctrine along with two other digital copies of any of these new Lexham Press releases, you’ll receive a free digital copy of Michael S. Heiser’s book Supernatural: What the Bible Teaches about the Unseen World—And Why It Matters.

Akin, a leading Baptist academic who also serves as the president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, said the pastoral Epistles have been some of the books that have most profoundly shaped him. Titus is one of those books. Within the pages of Living Doctrine, Akin reveals the relationship between sound doctrine and living a passionate, transformed life. Correct doctrine is not enough without the desire to be more like God.

The book of Titus was written by the apostle Paul to Titus, the leader of the church on the island of Crete. Titus faced pressure from secular forces outside the church as well as opposition and stubbornness from inside his own congregation, just as many pastors do today. Paul’s words not only encouraged and instructed Titus, but they edify, instruct, and encourage Christians today.

And while you may already own works that include commentaries on Titus, consider what Akin once said: “When I am working through a book of the Bible, I try to find five or six men who have worked their way through that particular book . . . I try to listen to them just to learn both how they handle the text, but also their ability to communicate the text.”

Add Living Doctrine to your other Logos resources and Lexham books and let Daniel Akin’s skillful commentary give you new and fresh insights into the book of Titus.

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Logos Staff

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