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Let’s Get John Owen’s Latin Works Translated!

John Owen, one of the seventeenth century’s most prominent Puritan thinkers, left a body of work that’s been guiding Christians toward God for nearly 400 years. Roger Nicole called him “the greatest theologian who has ever written in the English language.” But not all of Owen’s work was in English, and some of it has remained untranslated since the 1600s.

So we’re undertaking the exciting project of translating The Latin Works of John Owen, in English (3 vols.)! The collection includes John Owen’s massive historical theology, Theologoumena Pantodapa—current translations are very difficult to find—as well as his never-before-translated poetry and lectures, which appear in Latin in the 24-volume Works of John Owen, already available in Logos. The translator is still to be announced, but stay tuned for updates in the near future.

By pre-ordering these three volumes, you’re doing more than just reserving your copy at the best price; you’re helping kick-start a monumental translation project, and helping produce works that previously were available only to scholars. Pre-order The Latin Works of John Owen, in English (3 vols.)

Written by
Jonathan Watson

Jon Watson is a minister in training with St. Columbia's Free Church in Edinburgh, Scotland.

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Written by Jonathan Watson