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30 Awesome Quotes from Charles Spurgeon

In slightly less than 58 years, Charles Spurgeon, the British Baptist preacher, wrote and preached the hundreds of sermons that made him one of the most influential preachers ever. Mark Driscoll called Spurgeon, one of today’s most quoted preachers, “The greatest Bible preacher outside of Scripture.” The elegance of his arguments makes them memorable.

Whether you’re a casual reader of Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening or a scholar using Logos 5 to search the 86-volume Charles Spurgeon Collection, you’ll find wisdom in the following 30 quotes from the Prince of Preachers himself.

Did we miss any important quotes? Let us know in the comments!

  1. Ambition: Our meat and our drink is to do the will of him who sent us.
  2. Atheism: Atheism is a strange thing. Even the devils never fell into that vice, for “the devils also believe and tremble” (James 2:19).
  3. Authority of the Bible: If there be anything in the church to which you belong which is contrary to the inspired Word, leave that church.
  4. Neglect of the Bible: There is dust enough on some of your Bibles to write “damnation” with your fingers.
  5. Teaching of children: Where the plow does not go and the seed is not sown, the weeds are sure to multiply. And if children are left untrained, all sorts of evil will spring up in their hearts and lives.
  6. Purpose of the church: Not for yourself, O church, do you exist, any more than Christ existed for himself.
  7. Compassion: I am certain that to preach the wrath of God with a hard heart, a cold lip, a tearless eye, and an unfeeling spirit is to harden men, not benefit them.
  8. Christ’s death: Nothing puts life into men like a dying Savior
  9. Fear of death: Dying is the last, but the least matter that a Christian has to be anxious about.
  10. Discipleship: If persecution should arise, you should be willing to part with all that you possess—with your liberty, with your life itself, for Christ—or you cannot be his disciple.
  11. Faithfulness: I know of nothing which I would choose to have as the subject of my ambition for life than to be kept faithful to my God till death, still to be a soul winner, still to be a true herald of the cross, and testify the name of Jesus to the last hour. It is only such who in the ministry shall be saved.
  12. Holiness: If your religion does not make you holy, it will damn you. It is simply painted pageantry to go to hell in.
  13. Holy Spirit: All the hope of our ministry lies in the Spirit of God operating on the spirits of men.
  14. Hope: Christ always preached doctrine that was hopeful. While he denounced self-righteousness, he would turn round and say, “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:32). If he ever had a frown on his brow, it was for the hypocrite and the proud man. But he had tears for sinners and loving invitations for penitent ones.
  15. Jesus’ name: This is the one unbuttressed pillar on which all prayer must lean. Take this away, and it comes down with a crash.
  16. Joy: The greatest joy of a Christian is to give joy to Christ.
  17. Love for Christ: Come, Jesus, come into my heart, and let thy treasures be mine forevermore!
  18. Mercy: God’s mercy is so great that you may sooner drain the sea of its water, or deprive the sun of its light, or make space too narrow, than diminish the great mercy of God.
  19. God’s patience: We have heard in these days a blasphemer stand on a public platform and say, “There is no God, and if there is a God,” taking out his watch, “let him strike me dead in five minutes.” When he still found himself alive, he argued that there was no God. The fact was, God was much too great to be put out of patience by such an insignificant wretch as he.
  20. Perseverance: I protest that if you take final perseverance from me, you have robbed the Bible of one of its crowning attractions.
  21. Neglect of prayer: Live and die without prayer, and you will pray long enough when you get to hell.
  22. Power of prayer: You can be omnipotent if you know how to pray, omnipotent in all things which glorify God.
  23. Preaching: When I cease to preach salvation by faith in Jesus, put me into a lunatic asylum, for you may be sure that my mind is gone.
  24. Pride: Pride is the devil’s dragnet in which he takes more fish than in any other, except procrastination.
  25. Resurrection: The resurrection is a fact better attested than any event recorded in any history, whether ancient or modern.
  26. Satan: He can make men dance upon the brink of hell as though they were on the verge of heaven.
  27. Slander: The first sin which came into the world hardened man’s heart in a most terrific manner, so that he dared to excuse himself and even to charge God as being indirectly the author of his sin, by giving him the woman (Gen. 3:12).
  28. Suicide: That crime of all crimes most sure of damnation if a man commit it willfully and in his sound mind, I mean the crime of self-murder.
  29. God’s wrath: If there be a man before me who says that the wrath of God is too heavy a punishment for his little sin, I ask him, if the sin be little, why does he not give it up?
  30. Worship: All places are places of worship to a Christian. Wherever he is, he ought to be in a worshiping frame of mind.

Written by
Nate Smoyer

Nate Smoyer was a new products manager at Faithlife for over four years and now serves as Director of Marketing for Avail.

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Written by Nate Smoyer